Checking in daily to maintain focus #74

Congrats on your day 3! You’re doing great! I’m glad to hear your headache and panic are lessening, I hope they will go away soon. ODAAT indeed. We got this!


Hey Frank,

Awesome that you hosting and all, how did it go with your networking session?


Day 51 :medal_sports:

Just checking in…

Just me and my Sobriety. All it takes. Looking great :sunglasses:

#TeamBringIt :dark_sunglasses:


Went great. We had a good turnout.


Awwww I’m good Jasmine just got called in for some super early shifts so I haven’t had time to check in. I’m good though, thank you for caring! :hugs:


Day 66 - Checking in, good news I do not feel like drinking. Bad news, my work is an absolute shit show, and on top of that I’m stressed about money and frankly all the big changes happening in the world.

Anyways, going to head to the gym tonight and keep moving, but not feeling my best


Thank you :pray:t2: I think I might have had a hyperthyroid episode too as realised I’ve had some of the symptoms and I think that can make you really hungry too, so I’m hoping it passes!


I feel that! I have hyperthyroidism. I’ve finally decided to go for the radioactive iodine over the surgery as I’m fed up of all the symptoms I just want it over with now. Sometimes I think that contributes to my drinking, it’s not fun!


Checking in with 344 days.

Major flooding once again. I call the event “The Attack of the Leftover Walnuts.” Our house is in the center of the orchard. Last night water flooded to the house from the front bringing all the walnuts not picked up to our front door. Creek flooded in back and brought all the walnuts to the back door. No damage to house and I am safe. Neighbors around not so lucky.

I made it to my AA Meeting and covered material I was reading last night…So timely, like someone knew I needed to hear it again. I am listening.

Take good care of yourselves my sober friends.


Day 6 check in.

Colleagues went for after work drinks and I did not, I came home and looked after my wife who was in bed early with what is probably a cold but might be flu. Picked my kids up from their after school activities and put them to bed after dinner.

Just a solid day looking after my family and not feeding the booze demon.


Checking in during the evening of day
637 no alcohol
146 no form of marijuana
277 nic free

A little bit of a non active day but got a little done this morning

Just resting from the crazy last couple months of work


Late checking in today, been a busy one.

Day 3 done :white_check_mark:


Checking in on day 561. Hump day done and the sky was a little lighter on my drive home from work…the dark days and long nights are receding :sun_with_face:
Congratulations on 40 days @CanadianGirl and @Finn :muscle::tada::tada::tada:
@acromouse it did feel super good to workout…i think we are dealing with similar conditions, I get POTS symptoms with my chronic fatigue and it sucks. I hope you find ways to manage and improve :pray:
See you all on the other side of a sober sleep :v::heart:


Checking in.
It’s been a bit
In The past month
Drove 7k miles to
• farewell father in law
• Buried farther in law
• spent time with people
I’m exhausted. Both physically and mentally and emotionally
I’m very upset and it’s tough to talk to anyone
But I’m pushing thru

Reached 24 years sober jan 3
Still sober but these past few days were challenging
Here’s to checking in tomorrow


Sorry for your loss. Congratulations on 24 years. Sending comforting sincere thoughts.

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Second check in for the day . We were busier than normal today at work and the afternoon meeting was as brutal as I thought it was going to be but got through it . For a little extra spice the health inspector showed up for a routine visit at the same time as the meeting. 6 weeks ago an afternoon like this would have been a perfect reason to justify getting shift faced when I got home “ because it was a tough day and I deserved a drink” but would most likely lead to 8-10. That little addict voice did whisper a few times but has been pretty easy to ignore and push aside. Came home and made some dinner and just trying to find something relaxing to keep busy with until I go to bed sober


@sarahbear Amazing work Sarah – congrats on your double digits :muscle: I know your bestie would understand if you had to stay away and protect your sobriety. She will be performing and it is hard to avoid triggers when you so close to the addiction. We will for sure be right by your side and here available if needed. :hugs:
@mrmoustache How did your day go? You know that the stress in life is always going to come and go. Look into your toolbox to help you cope. Going back to the addiction will only cause you stay in this miserable loop. Sending strength and comfort as you push forward and stack up the days.

I do love this idea and think it will be helpful in many ways. So happy to hear that your mom is with you now and you are starting to feel better :hugs:

This made me laugh. Enjoy your weird teas – sound delicious! Day 3 and doing awesome work. Great work on resisting the urges and using healthy tools to help you stay sober. The urges do not last but the sobriety will and you will continue to get stronger :hugs:
@rockstar24777 So glad to hear from you and know you are doing well. Early shifts can be a bear. Hopefully you are finding time for self care as well. :hugs:
@refreshedperspective Double 3’s!! :tada: That is awesome work and some great news. Sorry to hear about work but grateful that you are not going back to old habits on how to cope with shitty situations. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@tailee17 Oh my! Sorry to hear about the flooding. Grateful no damage and hopefully the clean up will be easy to tackle. Hoping that the water levels lower soon :pray:
@binx Yeah day 3 – great to see you checking in my friend – have a wonderful night
@j_lo_ste So very sorry for your loss. :people_hugging: A huge congrats to you for your 24+ years of sobriety :muscle: :tada: :tada: That is some impressive work. Grateful that you did not get through the challenges by relapsing. We are here for you friend. ODAAT :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday night
777 days free of alcohol and weed
1192 days free of cigarettes
I managed to move some today but these dizzy spells are relentless and starting to piss me off. Had to change up some appointments as i am in no shape to go. Found that the one place shows my health insurance as inactive. So it was a fun day trying to sort that out. All is good and I have to call them back tomorrow cause they have something wrong on their end.
I am looking forward to some good sleep tonight. Finally feeling warm and cozy cause the chills are gone.
Sending healing vibes to all of you dealing with this nastiness. Wishing everyone a wonderful day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 1088
Life is sure testing me lately. Have had highs and lows and everything in between. I didnt post yesterday as i was unwell. Im not sure if i have pneumonia or just some chest congestion but even walking makes it hard to breathe. And I have asthma on top of that and my rescue inhalers werent working well.

Today i had to deal with a number of things. An issue related to our apartment which will be resolved on Monday. Then i had to get a steroid inhaler from the pharmacy so that i can hopefully breathe better. And then my son comes home from school and hes sick. He is STILL on antibiotics from his last illness!! Like come on :frowning: i really feel for my son. Hes been sick so much this winter. Im worried this will end up being a hospital visit, but if he needs it, he needs it. I obviously dont mind taking him in.

Ya thays where im at. Thankfully im doing this all clean and sober tho. Super grateful for that.


Love this! :orange_heart:

“Attack of the leftover walnuts” :rofl::rofl:


I vote take pictures!! @Seb you have a way with the camera. Countdowns on!