Checking in daily to maintain focus #8

Congratulations with your 6 months @Conor689908, you worked hardfor them. Well done!


You need just enough hope to get yourself to bed sober tonight. That’s it!


What can I say? :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: So happy for you! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Thanks, it means alot right now. There nearly wasn’t 101. This will never be over.


One day at a time for now.
Sleep when your body wants it. Eat when your body wants it. Watch tv, read work, walk, etc. to take your mind off.

You are still in the self defeating stage. This will start to dissipate within a week. Keep sober any way you can and I promise you will notice a difference every day.

Hang in there and keep posting here with your thoughts, urges, etc. people are always on.

Keep fighting my friend!!! :facepunch::facepunch:


just found your post you gret eejit. Love you dude. In a big manly slap on the back kind of way.


End of day 6, early to bed :slightly_smiling_face::+1:, grateful.


Only at day one but at least its a start :))


Monday football running around like a loon in cold and windy rain has made me feel better about my day.
Stress relief.
Bed time soon come.
Home situation is just a test of my resolve and I’m not budging. By that, I mean I’m not going to fall back to my old coping mechanism of hiding away with some beers.


I am so glad u stayed sober, good for you. It is not ok that anyone is violent with someone else. Have u explained to her that as an adult u r in ur rights to call the police? No family member should be scared of another family member.

One day is great!!! :+1:
Take it one day at a time in the beginning.
Don’t over think it and keep fighting hour by hour :facepunch:. It gets easier the longer you go.


Checking in at end of day 183. Night night sober fam x :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Day off with the kids today. Looking forward to a chilled day spent local, ride our bikes to a cat cafe, help with homework, maybe baking.
Another week until 2 months!


Day 63 clean of self-harm. I was so close to relapsing today, and I did not.


Alright. Let me ask you something. Does the idea of “One day at a time work for you” or is it not enough?

If you need something more, take it a week at a time. Plan your week ahead in advance for the first week and get through it - Its going to suck, it’s going to be bullshit and you’re going to feel like shit.

It’s true what @Fargesia_murielae says -“One day at a time” gets thrown around a lot here but the reality of it is, not everyone thinks that way. I certainly don; it’s not enough for me to think a day at a time, I need to plan my life in advance. If you want to get to a point where you can say “One week”, “One month”, “One year”, think about where you want to be in a week, a month or a year - Make a plan and stick to it.

It’s really sad to be in a position that you’re not happy in. It’s really sad to look at yourself and think “I’m a disgusting version of me” - Instead of hoping, start doing! You can want and hope til you’re blue in the face but unless you do something about it, you’re going nowhere.


Hell yes, @Dolse71. Triple digits and two months. Bravo, old chap! :+1: :sunglasses:


was then going to sleep so thanks, what a great way to end the day.

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I completely disagree. Some people think/need more than a day at a time. We have no idea what they can and cant cope with.

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you have to do 24 hrs for your counter to say 1. So well done on day 2. We all start at the beginning but we don’t all reach the end. Be strong.

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It’s never only day one. Today is all we have and if it’s sober then today is a win.
One day at a time.

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