Checking In

Possibly starting to deal with things a little better as frustrating as things are. It’s now 2:40am and my body is exhausted and killing me! My mind is still going cray too. Today wasn’t my best between chills up my spine (really painful) and cold sweats. Although, I went out for wings and it seemed to help take my mind off things some. I felt fairly strong towards… I guess the end of week 1. I hope I’m starting to regain that strength! I hate sounding ungrateful or like I have a crappy life when I know I’m incredibly blessed. Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone! Thanks for the amazing support you all have given me!!! :facepunch::+1::heart:


@robin, too tired to remember email password to send you this but sometimes my category options spaz out so that’s why I didn’t click 1.

Thanks Ang! You’re absolutely right! :blush:

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No problem :slight_smile: Glad you got through the day!

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