Christmas is so hard!

tonight was a huge struggle… all of my relatives were drinking. They had my favorite liquors and wines. My husbands relatives had their homemade beers I’ve been dying to try. Plus 2 hours at home after my daughter went to bed wrapping presents and making desserts for tomorrow… which would have been so much better with wine.

But I’m still sober. :smile:


Homemade beers are my fave. My husband and I used to make our own too. I feel angry and depressed…bla.

Still sober as well.


I’m with you too! All of the above plus got picked on by someone who overdrank…

But still sober! Cheers (as in cheerleader lols) to us :heart:


Good on yall for being strong. Keep it up.


90 days since my last drink. Merry Christmas. Stay strong


You did it! AND I did it! Yay us!!! Difficult, but definitely worth it!

A sober Merry Xmas!



Same issues staying up playing Santa doing stockings etc. It’s almost a trigger or feeling of necessity to cave in. Couple cups of coffee and some Mountain Dew kick-start and I’m working on day 3. Have a feeling this one is going to be rough.


This has been a doozy for me as well but stayed sober last night.
I keep thinking about the other side of this struggle and how great we all will feel and how much better our lives will be. The harder the struggle, the bigger the victory? Well then…there should be some awesome blessings waiting for us. Let’s just keep taking care of ourselves. (And have an action plan for those triggers)


I went to bed early to get through last night. This morning I’ve had an entire bottle of Faux champagne (sparkling apple juice). I’m running out of ways to make through the holiday. I’m even out of vegetable cocktail for virgin caesars. LOL

But I’m still sober!! 19 days.


That’s awesome your tackling constipation now at the same time. Lol. Keep making it through I’m having desires already thinking of distractions as I type.

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WELL DONE my fellow “loving life and our livers”! We can nail this Christmas period :slight_smile:


Proud of you! Basically ran through the crucible for an alcoholic and came out unscathed.

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The holidays are the hardest but waking up without a hangover or shame is the best!


Im so damn Proud of you all !!! You are stansing against it. This is truly awesome .keep this up , now think of christmas With a Great feeling . The Joy, thoose special moments With fam and friends and you doing it without your alcohol. Come on guys think how big this is you shall be very Proud. I am :slight_smile: got to love that .well done to you all :clap::clap::clap::clap::v::v::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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:sweat_smile: :laughing: that’s hilarious. I needed a good laugh.