Close To Relapse

This is the best advice I’ve been given in a while. Thank you for your candor.


Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy, waking up in a house, not on the street, having an intact family, rather than being alone.

Tell the irrational side of your brain to “piss off”.


Glad to see you’re back here, and so awesome that you reached out when needed to prevent that relapse! :muscle::+1::ok_hand::raised_hands:
Somedays are just not “good” days, and everything seems harder on these days, so we think …why bother? BUT, if we can get through days like that, we come out stronger and wiser and even more capable! And without crappy days, wonderful days wouldn’t seem so wonderful. Actually relapsing will never live up to the fantasy inside your head, telling you you “want to drink”, it will in fact be a devasting and disappointing experience I expect. I love this quote: "“I always regret drinking, but I have never regretted not drinking!”