Closed - Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

Sweet, I need a new mechanic, you’re hired! Nice job!!


Back from Xmas meal at the soup kitchen this evening. It was nearly really lovely except for one person who tested me. Am not pleased to say I let it get to me, I didn’t do it in front of them but I got angry and cried. I was feeling delicate earlier but it really caught me off guard. I usually deal well with conflict and don’t take this person’s behaviour personally. I am annoyed with myself for reacting that way and letting it get to me. I am also annoyed because all the other volunteers saw, and while they were all very lovely it just made it a whole thing and it’s a bit embarrassing.

It was mainly a nice evening apart from that, although this person was creating for the whole thing. They are a drunk and I know that plays a big part in the situation. Anyway, that’s that. Tonight, takeaway and chocolate.


Congrats on 2 months @C_8. Relax you deserve it. I have so much to do for xmas and just not into it. I should be out shopping but nope, sitting on my ass wasting time. My excuse was no car but can’t use that now that I fixed it.


Feeling great! Every morning I wake up fresh and it’s my daily gift to myself :heart:


Thanks @Conor689908. It was at work. 40 miles away and towing it would cost too much. I just had to suck it up and do it in the cold, only 18 degrees farenheit. Brrrrr


Have you tried AA meetings Jenna? I find them very helpful just to share and get things out. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way but it will get better in time. Hang in there. Hugs :hugs:

So sorry about that unfortunate incident at the soup kitchen, but so glad you were still able to see some good in all of it.

Relax and enjoy your takeout and chocolate!

Congrats on the 594 days!

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Good girl, I’m impressed!

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Hey! Sober sisters!


:wink::rofl::rofl::rofl:Ta mate and wasn’t too bad for a draw

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I’m a few days ahead at 14. Let’s not go backwards! :two_hearts::hugs:


Sounds good to me! :blush::ok_hand:

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Hi @Jennajen,

I’m glad that you checked in. I was wondering about you. I’m sad that you’re having a rough time. Please, never give up.


These changes sometimes take longer than we would like. I know that’s certainly the case with me.


I’m checking in at day 18. I hate being in double digits again. This sucks.

Experienced an accidental exposure to nudity this morning. Not a good start. And still having a tough time maintaining custody of my eyes. Hoping that this day will end a lot better than it starts.


Day 4, and all is going well. I’m back on my training regimen for a half marathon in April and had a good run today. My blood pressure has gone down some. Looking forward to continued improvement.


It keeps going forward though that doesn’t suck. You know the rules my friend, one day at a blah blah blah. :joy:


It sounds like you hoped the work you are putting in would lead you to a different outcome. Booze and pills won’t change that, but I am sure you know that. The fact that you know it shows that you have made progress! Don’t break the streak :blush:

Can you do something that brings you back to right now? Try and let go of expectations about where you should be or where you want to be. You are here now. Meditate, listen to some music, yoga, walk, read, knit, draw… Be here now. Ride this wave, get some rest and deal with tomorrow when it gets here :pray::sparkling_heart:


Thank you for taking the time to share this. Your willingness to fight for yourself and to discover your true self is absolutely inspiring. Don’t give up - even if you have to wear muffs in public. :wink: You are beautifully & wonderfully made. :hugs:


Day 101. I stayed in bed until 1 pm today. And I’m ok with that. I realize that I have been depressed lately - which is the opposite of what I thought would happen being sober. My psychiatrist upped my meds on Thursday so I’m looking forward to a boost in mood soon. Just got back from a run with my pup and going to look at Christmas lights with family in about an hour. Not a bad day after all. Haven’t read much of the check ins or any threads today. Just trying to focus on my own mental health. Stay strong and sober everyone.


Checking is sober on day 259 :coffee: :+1:

Best to you all!