Evening folks! Could really do with a bit of advice. My drinking has increased to 3 bottles of wine a day and my husband has sent me back to my parents for the week to taper off. However, I haven’t really tapered off in the slightest and my parents trust me so think I have been. I’m not “allowed” home till I have had 3 clean days. Can I go cold turkey?! I’m feeling desperately keen to stop now. I have found an AA meeting right by my parents house tomorrow night and my Dad said he would walk me there but will I be ok tomorrow?! I’m so so scared about stopping but I clearly can’t taper! Any advice would be so welcome. Thanks so much X
The risk of cold turkey is seizures. Not sure how common it is, but it can happen. Maybe consult your doctor to be on the safe side.
I went cold turkey and it was not easy at first, but no adverse effects. I wasn’t an everyday drinker, though.
You probably can go cold turkey, it’ll be uncomfortable but don’t lie to your parents about it. There is a possibility you’ll need medical help to detox.
Drink lots of water and eat sugary foods… I’m not gonna lie is gonna be tough but you only have to do it 1 time. Best wishes
You had posted this same question in July and when I read through your thread, you said you stopped cold turkey then and it worked. Is the amount of alcohol you’re consuming now higher than it was then? If not, then you should be fine.
Hi there. Three bottles of wine a day for me would require a medical detox. I’m sorry to break that news. Wine is so dehydrating. Tapering is almost impossible to do. If you have support, I would get professional help and possibly rehab. I was a boxed red wine drinker and drank all day, probably a total of two bottles a day. You have been on this forum for awhile. Don’t waste another day of your precious life. Do a hard reset with detox/rehab or at the least an IOP And daily meetings. That’s a lot of alcohol. I’m absolutely praying for you.
Ha ha ugh ugh I had forgotten about that July post! Sorry, but I’m finally serious about lifelong sobriety so you’ll be hearing from me more often on the forum moving forward! I’m really nervous about AA and everything generally. As in a whole new life without alcohol. It’s overwhelming! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and respond to me, I really appreciate it X
Hey there,
If you are worried at all, I would definitely consult a doctor. It sounds from your previous post that your drinking has steadily increased since the last time. Cold turkey might not be possible right away. That being said: If you are staying with your parents, could they possibly help you taper off? If you’re serious about sobriety, than handing over the control of the alcohol so that you can taper might be helpful.
Sending you strength for sobriety.
I know it seems scarey but life is so free and much easier without that heavy burden. Go all in on your sobriety, nurture it, invest time into it.
Do you shake a lot when you get up in the morning? If you’re really shaky you should definitely quit under supervision.
That is 12 standard drinks per day, assuming they are standard size bottles of wine.
If the withdrawls get bad dont hesitate going to the hospital or look for a detox facility.
Force yourself to go to the meeting, I guarantee you you will be glad you did!!!
I agree with others, you can likely go cold turkey without dying, though nothing is certain.
I was scared to go cold turkey because when you google withdrawal symptoms, it makes it seem like if you quit you will certainly die!!! While it’s true that complications with alcohol withdrawals can be fatal, it’s not common. If you have gone a day without drinking recently, you will most certainly be fine. As was the case with me.
Of course, I am not a doctor and any medical advice should be provided by a doctor you trust.
Now, let’s get after it!
Cold Turkey is doable, but do consider medical detox if you do feel ill.
I initially detoxed my first time cold Turkey, it was hard, anxiety, restless, cranky, irritable I made it about a week, and crumbled,
My second round I went into medical detox and that’s when I had seizures, but I am prone to seizures. But they helped wirh the other symptoms
If your concerned about AA being overwhelming at first try a virtual meeting there are tons of 24 hour zooms, and sites like in the rooms that offer virtual meetings you can even turn off your camera until you feel more comfortable
Welcome back Lizzie,
Looks like your getting plenty of advice.
I hope to see you around again.
page xxvii AA Big Book.
The doctors opinion.
hi there, i try to go by the workings of whats in that book. i think that it is great that you seek out such answers. for me , i had to utilize a good doctor that has a clear understand if what i suffer from. Personally - i have an alergy of the body, obsession of the mind. my doctor knew that no pill will ever take that away. however advised on a course that helps me come off , safley and adequately. these pills are administerd by a caring and loving friend everyday. then locked in the cabinet. its used with correct motive. my sponsor helps me check that.
like the other posts, my suggestion is go with a med proff.
i would be weary of “legal drug dealer types” that shovel loads of feel good stuff on scripts.
the book says - xxvii top of the page.
hey i hope you’re doing good, let us know when you get the chance. until then get some good rest, drink tons of water and a balance of electrolytes. Try to get up and walk around, when you’re able, even if its just around your room. let me know what symptoms your having and i might have a tip or two…
Not sure about cold turkey, but good luck with aa, and look forward to seeing more of you.