Coming off Suboxone

I am day 4 coming off suboxone. This was my 2nd time on it and I felt like this time it was effecting me mentally in a way it had never done before and not in a good way. Any suggestions coming off. I started lowering my dose to prepare my body but theres always some kind of side effects. Sleepiness, irritable and not wanting to leave the house.

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That’s tough stuff. Especially if you were on for a while. All of it is tough. Cravings are the worst and being around anything that remotely reminds can be a trigger as we both know. I pushed on with the program and leaned on others. I saw no other way as I was dead inside, had the “fuck its” too long and lost so much time. This will pass. Hugs my friend.

You are going to have to go through minor withdrawals, you can’t expect to come off of an opiate without any wd,s.
Don’t stop taking it at a high dose. I have a taper schedule that I used to follow that minimises the withdrawals to the bare minimum

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