Coming up on some good achievement

Hello all, and good morning and good luck to a brand new day. New days mean new starts! And if your doing good, we’ll then keep doing great ! :+1:t3:
Hold strong those who threw out the day that feel that urge to have a set back
I’m currently celebrating my milestone achievement of 500 days sober from alcohol in 6 days!
This achievement means so much to me and I’m glad to have people in my life to help and still that are actually happy for me to achieve this.
So stay strong fellow alcoholics, and anyone with an addiction. You can do this, you got this!!
Everyday we do good to our selves, is the day we start doing good for others~


494 days and still stackin’ up! Good for you!


Congrats, the 500 club is a great club to be a member of😉

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Congratulations on 494 days, 500 here you come!!! :partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::raised_hands:t2: