Strep throat (we’re on day 16 in my family)
Recreational technology
People sending constant and/or creepy messages can F-off when you just want to play your damn word game
Or people trying to sell you fame and fortune if you invest in their bitcoin business…um, are you going to play your word or not?
Coworkers that don’t pull their weight or do nothing and get away with it can FRO.
Driving in a white out
Ha. I worked in a grocery store when I wash around your age. And at night when the store was closed… closed and very quiet. So those songs were just blaring in the silence.
Needless to say, I still hate Christmas music!
So Christmas music can F right off!
Why does everyone hate nickleback? I used to love them.
Because they’re shit.
Funnybone hitting FRO
Peppercorns! Ugh (I realize many love them but I think they can eff right off)
Pretty sure it’s called the one footed monster lol!! That SOB takes our socks too… 🤦🙄
Covid can fxck right off
Things that can FRO:
- PornHub
- Energy drinks
- My ex
- Annoying customers
- The fact that the gyms are closed
PornHub has a lot of fucking off…that’s kind of its thing. Perhaps it is best if it stops FRO.
Nooo Devito is a fucking legend and hilarious. Betty White is immortal
Slow drivers
Slow walkers
Cell phone obsession
like as I read this on my cell phone. Lol
The irony