Coping with stress/triggers

I don’t pray, I talk to myself. “Megan, get that fucking thought out of your head.” “Megan, your thinking is stupid right now. FIX IT.” Sometimes I’m really hard on myself, other times I’m manipulative, and other times I’m gentle and encouraging. I’m not super good at the latter, but I’m always working in it. I’ve taken the negative things about my addict behavior and turned them into coping skills. What I do is self talk and any therapist for any issue promotes this. Usually it’s supposed to be a gentle self talk, but for me, the harder I am on myself, the more tough love I give myself, the better the results.

That’s not to say I’m not supportive and caring to myself, it’s just that my version requires a lot of cursing and pushing and jolting.

“Megan, you’re kicking ass today, don’t fuck it up.”


This is so similar to me. I talk to myself, tell myself that it’s not that bad, I can cope with this. If I do something good I congratulate myself, give myself a mental high five.
The amount of battles I’ve fought in my head when THAT voice starts on me. But I fight it.
@Lefttythree the more you fight it the stronger you get.

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The one that i say to myself multiple times a day is, “Megan, for the love, STOP!” This is mostly because I’m stressing myself over things that are just, well, stressful. Things i can’t change, or things that i want to say to people, or things that I will deal with tomorrow or another day. I get wrapped up in them so quickly that they become obsesive and stupid in less than a few seconds. Just! Not! Worth it!


Talking to yourself is praying. Change my mind lol


Oh, I agree 100%. Samd damn thing. I just don’t word it that way, sometimes for myself, sometimes for reasons like here, trying to help someone else see a way to do things.

Edit to add: I send out what would essentially be prayers to some higher power sometimes, but for me it helps to talk to the other voices and people inside of myself. This is a gestalt thing, not a multiple personality thing. There is still a wounded child in there, there is still a rebellious teenager, a confused and headstrong young adult. Most importantly, there is still an addict and alcoholic in there. Sometimes i need to bitch slap that crazy person.


Your Higher power is your inner good that gives you strength


Yep! The other half of the inner self that made me drink and do all the other not so nice things!
Let it shine through!

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Something like that. More just that I need control (addict much?). I give away the things i can’t control to some unseen but definitely felt energy out there. The things I can, I take responsibility for and do my best to manage.

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Something kept us alive for all those years. I know it wasn’t me lol. And no one is that lucky to survive all the bullshit I went through.


I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, no one really knows how to be an adult. We are just making it up as we go. I’ve asked many people, and the answer is the same, “I have no idea what I’m doing”.

Not knowing how to handle situations you’ve never encountered before is the foundation of stress. The more you have encountered these situations the better you are at dealing with them because you now know what to expect.

Many of the suggestions you’ve received are what I refer to as “timeouts”. They are activities that take us out of the moment and put us into a state of mental clarity so that we can effectively problem solve.

Another source of stress is when you attempt to control the things that are out of your control. The easiest way to handle this is to let go if your emotional attachment to these things. It’s not something that happens overnight, it can take months or years of divesting before you’re clear from it.

What are my effective timeouts?

Meditation - I use this for immediate relaxation and relief. When stress is high, heart rate is up, adrenaline flowing, a good 5 minute meditation works wonders.

Walking - sometimes nothing clears your head like a good walk.

Working out - Good for releasing pent up frustration, anger and stress energy.

Prayer - When I’m in a situation when I really dont know what to do, I ask for guidance. Prayer doesn’t always mean your talking to “God”. In fact, I ask the milk in my fridge for guidance because I know it’s always there, it has nothing better to do, and for all I know, it has more experience handling the situation that I need help with than I do. Prayer is a tool that reminds us that we are not in control.

5 minute timeout - family stresses me out because still have not successfully been able to control them, nor have I let that notion go (character defect). So, when I’m with family, I need to take timeouts to hold on to my sanity. I usually take 5 in a bathroom where I can be alone.


I dont want to sound condescending, but have you tried therapy? It takes time to find a good fit with a therapist but once you do it works. Cbt or cognitive behavioral therapy really helped me overcome my alcohol addiction, idk maybe you could benifit from it too

It’s been crossing my mind lately. I don’t really know where to start. Do I try to find someone who is an addiction specific counselor or just a regular shrink? Does an addiction specific person come with a whole THING group meetings being in a place etc? I have the state health insurance so my choices might be limited?

Generally state insurance is really good when it comes to addiction services. They paid for 2 rehabs, IOP and a one on one counselor for me. I know I feel more comfortable with a therapist who either specializes in recovery, or is in recovery themselves. If you are in the US these types of therapists are everywhere. But like any form of recovery you will get out what you put in. A therapist can’t get you sober. You still have to be the one to follow suggestions and put in the footwork

How did you do it? Through the insurance people or call different drs to see if they take the insurance? Idk where to even start.

I called people directly. But you can also call the insurance company and they can provide you a list of providers that accept your insurance. Using Google “local addiction specialists” or something along those lines is usually a good place to start.

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Ok thank you