Count your blessings today, not your problems

This was the motivational quote on my sober counter app today, and I loved it so much I just wanted to share it. Thinking like this can turn your day around for the better. Have a great day everyone!


Gratitude is powerful.

I know it sounds hippy dippy, but it’s not. I keep a small gratitude diary where I not down five good things in my life each day. Could be small, like coffee, or big, like being alive.

Love this quote so much x


I have my 9 year old son do this when he’s feeling down about everything. I ask him to write down 5 things that make him happy or he’s proud of.

The power of positive thinking is incredible.


Thats a great idea, I am going to try that. Being positive can be a struggle for me, and something I acknowledge that I wish to work on.

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