High craving right now damn…so difficult
It’ll pass @Astrid . Most cravings don’t actually last that long. For me, I find getting out for a quick walk, calling a friend or smashing some sugar (chocolate bars ) all help.
Don’t let the thought consume you
I Hope so…i do use smoke heroine and crack cocaine
I fear that cravings Will never end
Both. Smockin half gram of crack and half of Hero…shitty night for me…afraid for tomorrow. I Hope to wake up with no cravings…otherwise i think i’ill bè relapsing. I Hope not
@Astrid how are you doing?
Not well. Very ansious
But i’m not givin up
I MUST find something interesting to do to keep my mind busy because my thoughts are all about that shit.
Educate yourself on your addiction. I love google! Some things that help me is watching YouTube videos. The AA/NA speakers. I could relate to so many stories. Also listening to soft music. Oh and reading the different topics on this forum.
I also do this. But sometimes Reading about drugs or ear speaking about it keeps me to crave …so today’s not the right day…i don’t feel like hang out, i don’t feel like to do anything but i’d like to.
Gonna try honey, Hope it works for me too
@Astrid hey there have you though about maybe a detox center that’s what everyone has told me because I get my craving so bad on somedays I am a nerve mess. Be strong you can do it. Just come on here and vent or chat it helps me. Hope you are able to believe in yourself. We believe in you and I don’t know you.
I know some people won’t believe this, but addict addiction is a disease. The stuff we put into our bodies does a hijack on the brain. That’s why its not a shock to feel anxious and high cravings. When I detoxed I thought I was going to DIE. When I get triggered I get that 100% signal to use. But with time our bodies start to heal!
be tough