Cravings are bad tonight

Gosh, I want a drink so bad. I feel lonely… maybe it’s because of the damn holidays. I used liquor to numb the feeling of loneliness… I felt alone all the time. I’m 8 days sober and I’m hoping this depressed feeling will go away. I’m so used to being drunk or hungover and now that I’m sober, I don’t know what to do with myself. Anyone ever feel that way? I guess now is the time to find a healthy hobby or go to the stupid gym lol I’m so irritated lol I’m irritating myself because I’m irritated for no reason… well no im irritated for a great reason if you think about it… it’s because my body wants liquor and I’m saying NOPE . I’m venting… I hope you guys are doing better than me.

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Isn’t it annoying how easy it is to get numb and forget about the troubles you’re facing?! But it’s soooo hard to deal with reality :confused: we will beat this my friend.

I can relate to it as well @ariana2607 i have felt im alone my whole life .but No more since i started in rehab and also found my Aa group at home and this forum. Im No longer a stranger With my own fam longer . Stay focused on what you want for you right now. Think positive i know it aint easy to always do that . Use your willingness find your inner power