Since it’s been 9 days since my last drink I found by day 2 I.was craving sugar. Cake cookies Milo sugar sugar sugar. I don’t like.lollies or stuff like that but I found at this stage I had to have lollies!! Anyone else had this?
My head is pounding every single morning I wake up.
I’m so tired and lethargic.
The normal days and finding normal happiness is hard I can’t be normally “happy” because I feel so scattered all the time.
Hi! Yes!!! You are not alone! At first I thought I was crazy because I’ve always been a savory/salty person and never hardly ever ate any candy/dessert/sweet foods. About two weeks after quitting booze I could not get enough cookies, ice cream, frosting, you name it. What actually happens is your body is craving all those sugars that it isn’t getting from the alcohol. Alcohol is packed with sugar so naturally when you quit it takes your body some time to adjust to the lower sugar consumption. I struggled hard with this for almost 6 weeks. Gained quite a bit of weight. I recommend eating fruit. You kind of have to ween yourself down off the sugar.
Hey!!! I have experienced cravings like this however I am always getting stuck into diet coke and very sweat coffee or tea, you hit the nail on the head @Ash Alcohol is jam packed full of sugar and not the good kind either, eating fruit is a good idea. I have put on weight as well so I hear you, looking forward to getting rid of the weight when I am a few more weeks into kicking this.
@Emma the new normal can be a bit frustrating at times, When this has happened to me I try to focus on something I like and always focus on positive distractions. 9 days since your last drink so that is a great start… YOU GO!!!