Cravings Still Popping Up

Posted how great my day was yesterday and how amazing I feel then just like that I get an idea in my head that " Im not really going to be able to do this… Your husband and close family all drink… it’s fun, maybe I can control it better…" I’m working through it though and wanted to post here to get help before I do anything stupid. I’m thankful for this forum and everyone I’ve talked with. This really has helped me. Tonight at 7 will be 14 days. My record that Im going to beat :slight_smile:


Thats really was 14 days is great keep it pushing !! Tomorrow Is going to be my 7th day sober of alcohol and I feel good, knowing you have to to day 14 gives me motivation I can get there too !!! Keep busy read, watch motivation videos, clean anything to keep up


Thanks @Sobermee I will. Thanks for the support and I’m here for you as well :slight_smile:

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Im.sorry tomorrow is my day 6 !! Not 7 but regardless I’ll get to the 7 always well just as you will get further as well , we are in this race together if it gets tough remember in Spirit I’m fighting off the urges such as you we got this cause we are making the attempts !!!

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Whether a few hours, a couple of days or months congrats for making it however far you are. Today is 117 for me. Was craving so badly this weekend…that lil voice saying just one wont hurt but i know i cant stop at one. Staying busy and trying to keep my mind occupied.


Thank you @Kat. I can’t wait to be where you are. Are the cravings more manageable now? :slight_smile:

@TheRealLife The cravings are much more managable now. For the most part i can tell what trigger thems and find something else to do till the feeling passes. I’m on Acamprosate/Campral for the cravings so i dont get them very often. Hang in there, You got this!

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Today was a craving struggle for me too. I am not tempted to cave, but I did think about alcohol a lot today and it was very frustrating. Day 5 for me, I feel fatigued and moody. I didn’t drink every day, but I did binge drink a few times a week for the last 8-9 months. I was not expecting physical experiences like this :confused: I am grateful for my husband who saw me wind up and checked in with me so I wouldn’t be tempted to drink from stress.

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I’m so proud of you!!! Family drinking around you is the hardest

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I tried for years to quit on my own.I attend a weekly meeting. The cravings didn’t stop for a while . Someone at the meeting told me to use other things as a substitute for not drinking. Eating yummy food, other pleasures that could fill the void that were not mind altering. She was a larger woman. She liked to eat . And eating I did, but it helped me with the cravings ,I dropped the weight 3 years ago and have done 2 triathlons since. Living sober is the best ! Keep it up ,! P.s. Calling somebody who understands during the cravings is very helpful as well.

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