Crazy dreams of my past creeping up on me

When I was in my early twenties I used to have repeated dreams almost every single night that a man was chasing me through the woods trying to kill me… I’d wake up feeling so tired trying to get ready for my workday… :neutral_face:

One night I had a dream that I was walking quietly and calmly through the woods with a sword looking for that man that had been chasing me… I ran up on a rather large snake instead… As it went to strike at me with intent to spin itself around me, I jumped real high and cut it’s head off, skinned it, roasted the meat on an open campfire, ate it and then fed it to my family… Everyone seemed pleased, even me… :thinking:

I’ve always ate meat but I never really felt like it was my place to hunt… I was more of a vegetable type if it came to stuff like that long as nobody was hungry… 🤷

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eeh well i feel better

i had a dream i was a doc and had a huver car. i walked by tim allen

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Well I’m glad…:blush:

LOL… :joy::joy::joy:

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