Crazy-Strong Cravings

Last night I got hit with a strong wave of cravings to drink. Luckily I work 2nd shift and I usually won’t get home until hours after any liquor store is closed…but from around 8:30pm - 1:30am my mind was completely focused on wishing I could drink.
I imagine I was craving it because I knew it would be a long night and my job is pretty unfulfilling. I tried thinking about other things, even really bad times I puked in my room or wet the bed, and still I think I would have paid that cost if it meant I could spend a couple hours sinking into a drunken oblivion.
IT’S CRAZY!!! I’m just worried because the weekend is coming up and if I get those cravings again Idk how strong I’ll be.
I’m on day 13. I’m also 26. Objectively/Logically I know I need to quit. But I have this stupid ape-like impulse to ingest this chemical…
Any tips on managing cravings (especially on weekends) would be of much help!

My advice is to have a plan. We don’t wait until there’s a fire to figure out the best way to get to safety. We have a plan, in advance.

So, have a plan for the weekend. What places and people will you avoid, so as not to be tempted? What actions will you take, if you are tempted? What sober activities will you do to stay occupied during your formerly prime drinking time? Who will you call before the drink is in your hand? And ultimately, what will you do if you drink? Will you start attending meetings? Best to find one now, and maybe go, just to check it out. Maybe get your accountability partner’s info updated in your phone. Maybe just start a “my staying sober” thread here on TS, and set a timer to check-in hourly while awake.

These are proactive steps. Action is faster than reaction.

Good luck. Keep getting better at getting better each and every day.


Sorry to hear you’re going through this right now. I’m surprised you’re still having these physical symptoms at the end of your two week mark :thinking: I honestly didn’t know I needed a plan to successfully quit alcohol, until I joined this Forum. Reading and searching these threads will help you tremendously.

With your plan you’re going to need something to do to take your mind off alcohol and/or to help your body to recover. For many this is diet and working out… for some it’s a hobby of some kind or volunteering. Hope you start to feel better.

Maybe try looking for a more stimulating job. Studies have shown that boredom, in humans and most other animals, causes the same physical and mental respinse as extreme stress. Boredom is also one of the number one reasons people list for using.

I got a super strong craving tonight on my way home from work…someone sent me a picture of their dinner and there was a huge case of beer in the background (they didn’t mean to of course) and my stomach instantly dropped and the feeling of wanting to drink was SO STRONG. Like physically and emotionally. It was so weird!! Then the thoughts kicked in, “just stop at the liquor store grab a couple winter beers…they’re so good…it would be nice to relax with some…” I was SO CLOSE to caving. But I just told myself no…it won’t end with a couple…I will be back for more, I will get drunk and do stupid things and be super hung over tomorrow…I just kept repeating that to myself…I made it home no drinks!! Going to treat myself to a bubble bath and chocolate!! I find drinking sparkling water helps with the craving too.
My advice is to keep busy!! Maybe make your own mantra to repeat in your head to help? Everyone is so different…hard to say what will work. But you will figure it out! You got this! One day at a time:)


Alcohol was being used to meet some need in your life, and you took it out of your life, which is a fantastic response. But now it has left a vacuum, a void, of sorts. Filling it will help you no longer have room for alcohol. Keeping busy, self-actualization, service to others, a spiritual connection, practicing gratitude, tending to your body with exercise, diet, and rest - there are many things you can do to replace those times that are right now still alcohol focused despite no longer actually giving in.

What I’ve been learning in AA recently is the distinction between just being able to refuse alcohol and changing your life into one where alcohol is no longer seen as attractive, helpful, or important to you. As was said to me, “it’s pretty tough to get loaded when your heart is full.” Take it if it helps, leave it if it doesn’t.