Creating better times

That sounds wonderful. You deserve a spa day!

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Hope you are enjoying your getaway

Thank you!! Hope you have a great weekend. Any plans?

I had the grandkids most of this weekend. But other than that taking it easy and trying to get over this bug I got over the holidays. Beginning to wonder if it’s ever going away.

Keep stacking those days, my friend!

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Same!! I have been sick and it was especially bad yesterday. Hope yours passes soon. :blush:

40 days today ! Was looking forward to this number for some reason.


That is so wonderful 40 days! :tada:

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Hope you feel better soon too.

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Amazing job! Are you noticing any marked differences in life yet?

Thank you! More time in the day , everything seems to be a bit more beautiful (nature especially).

My body feels lighter and my brain and mind think clearer. Less anxiety about my health.

Tons of positives and absolutely no negatives have come from stopping.


Another big thing is the slow development of self respect. Not standing up or settling for things because each day I am uncovering the person inside me that I am proud of.

Constantly lying and hiding something I was ashamed of and shouldn’t have been doing, made me feel like I owed everyone a lot more and had to do so much extra things to make up for the guilt I was causing myself.

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40 days is terrific!

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Thank you!! :pray:

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Hello!! Almost done with day 44. Last night I had a talk with my boyfriend and made me truly realize how much happier I am sober and just how much better life is. Alcohol and addiction are no joke. I was so down bad , unhealthy, and just sitting in my misery. Skipping out on all the things I am slowly re learning that I love to do. The fact that I picked alcohol and all the horrible things it brought me for so long shows me and I think what is good to finally be able to say and accept that I was sick and addicted and co dependent on whatever I could cling onto that I thought alcohol provided me.

By no means am I in the clear and I know that but I am grateful to be thinking the way I am and feel really confident at least for the near future (don’t want to think too far ahead) that I am strong enough to choose raw life and sobriety and all the positive things I know it will bring me.


Beautifully said!!! I’m so happy for you!! You have come so far!

Keep doing what it takes to go to bed sober!!!


Thank you @Von100 . I appreciate your support :smiling_face:

Thank you! :hugs: we support each other I our journey. One day at time and doing what takes to go to bed sober. Life is absolutely better sober. Staying sober today with my TS friend! Have fabulous weekend!

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Does this mean that we get to update the title of your thread again, to “Better times are here, hopefully to stay!” :wink:

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I love this !! I believe better times are truly here. Life is better on this side . :slight_smile: almost to 48 days.

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Thank you!! So grateful to be sober and a part of this community with you my friend !

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