Creating better times

Hi @bettertimesahead ,
Congratulations on your 48 days sober!! Amazing :star_struck: I’m so happy for you.
Sober life = our best life, that’s for sure!
Waking up hangover free is such an amazing feeling! Especially if you suffer debilitating anxiety caused by alcohol. This is the main reason I chose to stop drinking alcohol 5 and 1/2 yrs ago! I just couldn’t bear the deep depression and anxiety alcohol caused me any longer. So much despair. But, with a strength I found within, and the support of this community and some loving people in my life, I was able to heal that pain. And, as long as I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t have to experience it again. Totally worth it :blush: keep up the hard work, and just remember, you deserve to feel good, to be sober, to love and be loved​:two_hearts:


Thank you for your words :slight_smile: congrats on 5 & 1/2 years. Today is day 50 for me and I already feel the positive impact of no boos on so many areas of my life. It’s beautiful.

I love this -
you deserve to feel good, to be sober, to love and be loved​:

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I’m sorry for your loss of both your grandparents. That must be so hard to lose both at the same time.

They will also be guardian angels and they are so proud of you.

Keeping doing what it takes to go to bed sober!

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Day 53 today ! Spent most of the day laying around which is something I don’t typically allow myself to do unless I’m not feeling good. So I’m glad I did. Planning on cleaning out my closet tomorrow…. A massive task but I know it will feel good / therapeutic.

Sending warm hugs and positivity to all :pray::blush:


I love how well you are clearly doing :facepunch:

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Thank you!!!

I hope you are feeling better? You are doing awesome!! Keep stacking those days! One day at a time

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Hi @Von100 i am doing good! Feeling tired recently. Every morning I could use an extra hour or two of sleep but I think it has something to do with winter and less light during the days. Sober and in bed checking in here for the day. Hope you had a good sober day today! Any highlights?


I have been feeling about the same, tried a lot. But I have been trying to shake bug off since November. Know a few people are saying the same. But at least I’m not hangover on top of it.:blush:

I’m looking forward to this spring and actually enjoying the outdoors more this instead of being hangover in bed!

Staying sober with you my friend. One day at time doing whatever it takes.


Totally!! Been thinking the same thing , looking forward to sunshine and longer days.

Agreed with the bug so many around me have got it too and it took me a while to get over. Also, yes would have been so worse with hangover added on top of it.

:slight_smile: sober today! And so glad we have sober life to look forward too.


Goooood evening, almost an hour away from 60 days!

Had a Good Friday night, date night & the movies. Watched the new movie Flight Risk, and I would rate it a 3 out of 10… lol there were some good parts.

Sipped on a sparkle water at the movie theater and thought to myself how happy I was to be there and recognizing I was experiencing enjoyment without alcohol. Genuinely enjoying the moment , sober. Remembered how drinking me previously had fallen asleep “passed out” in the very same movie theater during a movie I really wanted to see the last time I was there. WOW. So much better on this side. Reminder of how much I missed out on and could miss out on if I have that first drink. Reminder that that version of me isn’t far and being mindful that I need to work every day to combat the alcoholism and heal.

Much love friends , stay strong and hold yourself with gentleness


60 hangover free days! Keep going strong! Sober life is so much better!!!

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60 days is awesome.

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Thank you @tailee17 !

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Was reading your first posts in this thread and I really relate to them. It was like reading my own thoughts! And reminded me why this sobriety journey is the most important path I could ever be on.


Glad my story can serve as a reminder to you! Helps me to know there are others out there in the same boat - although it’s a tough boat to be on -we are working on ourselves and doing the best thing we can do, committing to ourselves to stay sober. Thank you for sharing. :slight_smile: :grin:


Tuesday morning after a BH weekend in my country. In the past I would have been in pretty bad condition at this point.
Trying to justify/sneak a few beers after work if I did in fact make it to work.
Thankfully I’m not in that place. Just over 6 months dry and I’m reaping the benefits :pray:

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Totally relate. 3 day weekends left me in shambles. Most of the time I’d call out on Mondays. I haven’t missed a day since stopping drinking even when I had a cold. Congrats on over 6 months !! I look forward to stacking more sober days, inevitably taking me further and further away from that version of myself. Growing stronger and letting the shame get washed away with strength as we build our sober tools and the lives we deserve !


How are you doing today @Von100 ? :slight_smile:

I was just thinking about you! I’m doing well. Lots going on with family and i’m glad to be sober and able to deal with it. In the past, I would have avoided picking up the phone. Because I would have been drunk or passed out. As sadly it happened in the past. But the last two times I have been there for my kid which really nice.

You are doing awesome! I’m so proud of you! Keep doing what it takes!