I’m 14 years old and I can’t stop cutting, I tried to kill myself last night but failed. The world is such a horrible place
Please talk to a trusted adult. There is so much help and support out there and you can find it. Suicide is never the answer. You also have a loving and supportive community here that you can talk to.
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@14andcutting do you have someone in your life you can talk to? I too used to be a cutter. I know it doesn’t seem like it now but life will get easier to deal with. There will be great moments down the road. Great strength comes from deep sorrow. Please give yourself a chance and seek help, even a counselor at your school. There is so much you don’t want to miss out on that doesn’t exist for you yet. Please be strong. Please know that there are people that care about you. Please know you’re not alone in this.