Cutting away from old friends now I'm in recovery

I don’t hang out with old friends who are drinkers. Usually the social interaction I have is at meetings (nearly daily) or with family maybe once a week. Should I be worried? I’m spending a lot of time in my own company and I’m an introvert anway. What has been your experience? How do you socialise?

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Well…I’m “old” (47). I’m so over socializing. I think I only “socialize” with people I work with. Maybe coffee breaks or lunch out.

Evening/weekend socializing is maybe a few times a year.


My social life is pretty much the same as yours. I have a small, but great group of friends in AA. I do service work. But the majority of time is spent with my soon to be fiance and little Ella. I wouldn’t have it any other way


I cut my drinking friends loose, never happier. Now days, my social life is with family, pretty much. I really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. If I want to go out for dinner or a movie anyone of my kids is always up to keep me company. I do have some friends I chat with on whatsapp when I want to talk about adult stuff. But like @VSue, I’m old too. :wink:


So think of it this way.
When you left one school to go on to another you made new friends. maybe some of your old friends came with you.
When you leave one job because you are moving onwards and upwards you left friends behind. Some you stay in contact with.
Treat this as the same.
You are moving up and onwards in your life so new friends will come. Some of your old friends will come with you.
Don’t stress, you’ve got the rest of you life.


No worries, as an introvert you’re doing fine. I lost my drinking friends in about a year or two. When I married my sober husband that clinched the deal. Anyway, I socialize after meetings and occasionally go to movies or lunch with AA friends. I am quite comfortable being on my own and do a lot of things without my spouse.:unicorn: