Cycle reset

Stay strong! It’s tough when you’re the only one who wants to change. Even if drugs and alcohol don’t affect people the way they did me, I’m literally the only person in my immediate circle who’s sober and straight-edge.

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I guarantee there is another person in recovery from something in your small town. If not, they are just another town away. Connection is key to remain sober. There are many, many people who don’t drink/drug whether they are in recovery or not. Something to keep in mind.


ODAAT We’re not perfect, we are creatures of habit. Its hard to quit something that we’ve used as a means of “normal” for so long, you are worth the effort, time and better parts of sobriety. Keep pushing and dont beat yourself up. You can do this!


Okay, back to day’s getting easier. The only thing is that I can’t stand my work lately. So it’s hard to get motivation knowing I have to go there. Even my boss is an alcoholic. It’s everywhere in my life and I have nobody that understands how poisonous it can be to the people around you. My goal is to just live for myself and forget what others around me are doing, thinking, etc. Not an easy task for me. Infact I think that’s why I loved drinking so much anyway. Kinda made me numb. A lot of people around me lately have brought up how I “have a big heart” “you’re too sensitive” You shouldn’t be so weak" haha yes that’s prob why i’m filled with anxiety all the time. So i guess I need to care less? Life is weird. Anyway…lets just make it through the day, I hope all of you are well. Thanks for the support…It’s meant more to me than a simple like or reply could ever make a point of


Hey, it’s good to hear you’re still AF :+1:

To me, it sounds like you need a new job. It seems to stress you out, which is not good for someone trying to live without alcohol. The work environment sounds bad too, if even the boss is an alcoholic. I think you’ll be really challenged to stay sober around this.

When we give up alcohol, sometimes we have to make choices for ourselves which keeps us out of harms way. For some, that means the company that we keep. If you have friends around you that like tearing it up often, the odds are highly stacked against you to stay sober when there is so much pressure around.

I thought I’d ask you about your work, because I feel that environment is something I’d really struggle with.

You’re doing great by the way, keep it up! One day at a time :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope. Those people are wrong. You should be just who you are. Leave the personality changes for farther down the road but take it from this softy, there is nothing wrong/bad or desiring of change about being sensitive. It could be one of the reasons you picked up a drink but it doesn’t need to change.

Start stacking sober days and let your personality shine. Don’t let anyone convince you that you need to change to fit their mold, just keep declining the drinks and find out who you really are. I bet you are great under all those forced misconceptions. :heart:

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