Daily check in for SWAM after relapse #8 ❤

It happens Stacey. Flow with it. Try to look after yourself. Do some nice things to help lift your spirits.

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We all set our own goals. My next one is 1000 days, I am getting there lol. Looks like around the New Year. Initially it was hour by hour. I felt better after a week or ten days. 30 days, I started feeling a little normal.
I started sleeping a bit at three months. A little past a year, I could almost sleep normally, eat normally. At around a year a half, I wasn’t as anxious and the anxiety around alcohol. Two years, I started feeling more comfortable in my own skin as a non drinker.


Keep at it. We believe in you :heart::v:

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Girl… I hate it for you but I know you can stay strong & stay the course. Keep your why in mind and know we’re all rooting for you!


Good morning my buddies!!! :blush:

Last night ended in me feeling really down. I spent the evening with a friend I made from NA and I made them some dinner and it was really beautiful. And the last part of that night I spent speaking to her 14 year old about why she shouldn’t kill herself. :sweat:. It really hit me hard. I know my story exists so that I can help other people and encourage them and stuff. But 14…:sob: my heart broke. I know God is leading me into this to be a friend and to help and love these people as best I can. It doesnt appear they even know what that is, but I dont feel prepared or equipped. Maybe it’s purely that I dont want to open old wounds to help someone else heal. I dont know.

But i just woke up. God blessed me with an AMAZING sleep. I cant remember what I dreamed but I remember it being weird. I think just having a solid sleep has perked me up. So Im ready to tackle the day. If anyone does pray, please pray for that family, that I love them in a way that helps them heal and draws them to God.

Yesterday was mostly amazing and just a little bit of dread, which is better than most days I’ve had at all.

So today is another day! Let’s do it!! :heart::v:


I’m always having weird dreams that I can’t remember and I always wander how do I know it was weird If I don’t remember it. Odd. It’s nice you are there for others but make sure you leave some time for yourself, you are what’s important right now.

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I’ve heard that said a few times. But I’m a little unsure what it looks like tbh. I mean I’m trying to make sure I keep up my eating exercise and sleep when I can. But I’m not sure what “looking after me” looks like lol…:grimacing:


Do you meditate?

Sometimes yeah I do.

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Then that’s your me time. Declutter the brain, meet your fears head on and watch them fade away and refocus for another day. I do this every night, I’m not sure it’s meditation cos I always fall asleep :joy:

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Im not sure if this is the right thread to post this but im feeling an urge to send it all to hell and get some coke… :neutral_face:
I have the week off ahead a me and the possibilities are endless… im trying to stay strong but sometimes its so hard. Then to cope with that i feel like binge eating. FML :no_mouth:


Looking after you is literally just that Stacey. Don’t over do things. Don’t give all your energy out, save some for yourself. How ever you want to look at it it just basically means " look after yourself" care for you and your sobriety.

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Binge eating is better than coke. Hope you stayed strong!! It’s not worth it. It really isn’t.

Haha yeah i caved in and ate a lot today but its fine, i was without food for 2 days basically :grimacing:

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For me, taking care of myself means putting my needs before my family every now and then and doing something that will recharge my “batteries” so to speak. I spend a lot of energy taking care of my family and some days it just leaves me drained. So, when I feel like I’m too drained I do stuff that makes me feel good. Stuff like take a bath, take a nap, watch a show I want to watch with no regard to others, get my nails done or a pedicure, have coffee with a friend, go for a walk. It can look like anything as long as you’re taking care of yourself. I don’t know if that helps. I just have a middle aged mom perspective. :blush:

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You do need to try to eat as properly as possible while you’re in recovery. Your brain and body go through massive changes when you quit your DOC. You may know that but thought I’d just throw it out there. Lots of water, nutritious food, sleep and whatever you need to get by without using! One day at a time. Just focus on the day in front of you.

Yeah im overall healthy with eating and exercise a bit. Also sleep as much as i can. You are right, its very important for our recovery! Those benders also suck because they throw all you healthy routines off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Dude I’m with ya…literally contemplating relapse. Legit. So I am with you!

Stay strong! Its night already (here at least) so maybe just go get some sleep and tomorrow our heads will be more clear and the urge gone. :grinning:

You know that will only make things worse. I’ve been enjoying your posts lately. Hold on to the good you have felt and let these feelings pass. You’ve got this. So it for you.

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