Daily Gratitude Group

I am grateful for incremental improvement. When you realize that even small improvements to your life can me as much as the flashy ones then everything seems to go a bit easier.

I’m grateful to have woken up sober this morning! I’m thankful the sun is shining! I’m thankful I have a few more days with my son before he goes back to college.

Nice to see you back with us. Seems your break was worthwhile after the anxiety at the start. Happy New Year to you sir!!

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Day 74

Today I am grateful for :

  1. This morning I woke up at home, in my own bed, in my own time.
  2. Hangover free and calm, comfortable.
  3. I get to take my mom to breakfast, then her favorite new store and then to a movie.
  4. I am hopeful that I will soon replace my truck, patching that wound.
  5. I have at least two jobs available to me, starting this week.
  6. I get to go help make TV shows, spreading light hearted laughter to young people.
  7. I have a sober fAAmily that continues to grow and help me.
  8. I can be more present in my emotions, and actually deal with my issues.
  9. This sweet moment of peace, at home, at ease.
  10. The completion of a long ongoing project that almost didn’t succeed. Another wound gets patched up.
  11. I have a GOMU and I can surrender my life to it with authentic belief and faith.
  12. The world feels smaller to me today, more of it is within my reach than before.

Grateful for this journey of sobriety… last weekend I was able to take my son to the ER late in the evening, something that wouldn’t have been possible 6 months ago because i would have already had way too many beers in my system

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On the last day I drank, I missed picking up my daughter from Girl Scouts. Because I got arrested and jailed for DUI (not my first). I am grateful that today I’m able to pick up my kids with a legal license, insurance, new car and no tickets in sobriety.


I’m grateful for reaching 160 days so far. For a daughter who is supportive and with whom I can be open and honest with.


Grateful for waking up sober.
Having a warm bed to sleep in.
Kitties and husband who love me.
Getting up early to go to a good workday!

Lets keep this going!


This morning I am grateful for :

  1. Waking up in my own bed, sober, rested and hitting snooze anyway.

  2. Energy, coursing through my veins, early this morning.

  3. Excitement in my heart, to go do what I love.

  4. The sweet, sober close to my vacation time

  5. Sitting by the fire, twice, yesterday

  6. That sweet woman who sold me firewood

  7. Kisses from my wife before I leave for work

  8. Uber, on time, everytime.

  9. Winter weather but no rain at the moment

  10. I can feel my god present in my life.

  11. I can surrender control up to him

  12. Today I have the chance to do something good for someone else

  13. Today I am free to show compassion and love to everyone I meet

  14. I’m just so lucky to be alive


Thursday night, connecting flight to home at the DC airport. The trip had been stressful. I saw an AA buddy in the row in front of me, swapped seats and sat with her and had fellowship all the way home. It was a cool drink of water after a long hot slog! I didn’t recognize until this morning just how much I needed that. I am so grateful for my sobriety and my tribe that I will stay sober another day. :pray:


Today , I am beyond grateful for my family. I have two beautiful healthy children and good husband that put up my disease way too long.!!


If you’re like me, even after years of sobriety, external conditions can still influence our internal landscape. Particularly the weather can shift my mood.

I am grateful to be employed and working with some folks who reignite the passion in me for my work.

I am gratefully anticipating lunch with a coworker.

I am grateful that this road trip is ending today.

I am grateful I can still move my body and I enjoyed the hot yoga session last evening.

I am sober.

I am a member of the human race. I have a purpose and I fit into the plan of the universe.


Im grateful that at aged 14, my parents bought me the black one.

Im grateful that the owner of the white one had AA to help him get sober.

I’m grateful that 15 years later, I stayed (and still stay) sober long enough to save the money buy the gold one.