Daily Gratitude List

I’m grateful for another morning hangover free and sober with Benson on my lap.
Grateful for God’s given strength to continue on, in my sobriety.
I’m grateful I was on TS yesterday and Friday. And I feel like I’ve been on here a lot lately. Sometimes I wonder if that’s a good thing? But that’s better than getting all liquored up.
I’m grateful during the winter months. The short days. The cold dark nights. And there’s a pandemic. That I can be on here with friends who are all, like me, not wanting to take that first drink ever again.
I’m grateful for y’all’s support.
I’m grateful when I see M’s little avatar pop up there as I am writing. All is good. I need to ask her the symbolism of that avatar ? M?
I’m grateful Brian got his 1 year key chain.
I’m grateful Franzi got her painting done. You looked so cute and happy to get it accomplished in your pics.
I’m grateful for all the healthcare workers out there busting their butts.


I’m grateful to have woken up early, headache- and hangover-free, on a dark and cozy weekend morning.

I’m grateful for my delish coffee and the CBC.

I’m grateful I’m getting my stuff done this weekend and also taking some good breaks.

I’m grateful that even though the restrictions are here - I’ve got some good things planned for my next 100 days of sobriety. Work of course, but 2 more writing courses yay! And it’s not breaking any rules to explore more outdoor snowy trails - especially with a little more light each day! And keeping in touch with pals virtually :relaxed:

I’m grateful there’s a big office supplies store in town here, with curbside pick up. For real! Keep your handbags. I have new fine-tip markers to pretty up my work notes and my journal. An array of post it notes too. Order at my desk to match the order that’s taking shape in my sober mind.

I’m grateful for the companionship of fearless fellow sober pals on this journey!

M and D? Every single day. Sometimes with a few tears, sometimes with a laugh out loud as something comes to mind. You’re never far from my mind or my heart.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I will tell you! Maybe makes a good bedtime story…

And yes, nothing like seeing Brian’s smile and Franzi’s smile to put a big smile on my face too! :smile:


Ah, is that where you are! I saw your sober leg selfie and ooh’d and ahh’d over your mtns, and reveled in your snow-free hiking! Beautiful. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God so very much :pray:
I’m grateful for my recovery day, one of year two let’s do this !!! :sunglasses:
I’m grateful for TS and my friends on here Eric and Emm you guys are sooo great. Thank you for sharing the good times and helping pick me up on the down.
I’m grateful for my health, physically mentally and spiritually.
I’m grateful for the emotions pouring through me today in tears, fears, gratitude and attitude, guilt and shame that it took so long to get here but acceptance and understanding moving forward.
I’m grateful for music got some nice nature sounds playing this a.m.
I’m grateful for the twelve steps.
I’m grateful for my housemates.
I’m grateful for my family so very grateful love than all so much.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. your going to smile that beautiful smile. Ya you!! you’re doing it right now aren’t ya :smiley:


For better or for worse I’m grateful there’s only 73 hours left to see what happens in America. Do we survive or go to hell ??


@M-be-free49 it really is beautiful! The park is in northern Tucson, and was affected by the wildfires we had some months ago- one trail is closed until further notice. Lots of burned trees on our hike, but still so pretty. I’m lucky to live where I do- snow is not my thing!


CBC? Articulate please :thinking:


Oh, Eric…! I’ll let it go.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC.
Of course it used to be one radio station and tv station too (hosting Hockey Night in Canada!), then 2 stations (AM and FM) back in the day. (Remember the clock radio invention with the dial that set the station, and an antenna for reception? lol!)

Now I can pick and choose my fave programs (music and talk) all live-streamed or on demand. Happy, happy, nerdy M. :relaxed: :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for the one year medallion I received from NA home group tonight
I’m grateful they gave me a sobervisary card
I’m grateful to get to lie down finally it’s been an emotional weekend.
I’m grateful to God



It feels hard to write.
Grateful for being sober.
Grateful that I have only one room left to paint which I can maybe finish today depending on if I have to see the doctor for my finger.
Grateful that even that my health seems destroyed atm (have other issues) I have some hope that I find other ways to reduce stress in life.
Grateful that I started to read in three books about thoughts for ‘today’.


Congratulations Brian, reaching 365 days of sobriety in your recovery is a big deal. Thank you for being you and being here for us. So proud of you my friend. Continue to keep reaching out and staying connected and never forget how you got to where you’re at today. Remember we don’t drink or use no matter what. There, but for the grace of God go I. :heart:


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle

  • I am forever thankful for my Creative Intelligence, being by my side and guiding my powerlessness over drugs!
  • I am grateful to wake up everyday knowing I can do better and be better.
  • I am thankful that I no longer see the negatives around me I seek the positives!
  • I am forever grateful for my body, you never gave in!
  • I am so thankful for this sober community, it shows so much love and care from every part of the world!
  • I am thankful that even after 4/5 months of no contact with my best friend, I can pick up the phone and it is still that same bond as back in secondary school! So fucking thankful for her love.
  • I appreciate the nature around me, how even on those blue days you show me that life is precious.
  • I grateful for the beauty of colours… I forgot how much I adore the art of drawing and escaping.

I’m thankful for 170 days of clean time…

I’m grateful I can show love!
I’m thankful that I can learn so much about my addiction and grow from those dam gremlins.


I’m grateful for another morning. Hangover free and sober and Daisy Cat on my lap. And the quietness of the morning with Minnie’s rhythmic breathing while she sleeps on her blanket on the couch.
I’m grateful I have my chiropractor appointment this morning.
I’m grateful for a good nights sleep.
I’m grateful my son and his wife texted us yesterday to tell us they found more Christmas presents from us under the tree when they were taking it out to the curb. :rofl::rofl: who does that?
I’m grateful for the nice mild weather the past couple of weeks.
I’m grateful there’s snow in the forecast.
I’m grateful I’m not the only one who cries at their soberversary and is so full of emotions for days after. I guess that means we are normal.
Grateful for my wife and kids and pets.
Grateful for all the healthcare care workers out there just trying to keep it together.


I am grateful that I woke up today, and so did my children.

I am grateful for my open heart and ability to love, regardless of my pain.

I am grateful for seeing my recovery for all the blessings that it brings me daily.

I am grateful I am not dope sick and able to enjoy my morning with my youngest before work.

I am grateful that I love myself enough to know what I deserve.

Have an amazing day!
One breath at a time.


I am grateful for my 3rd Monday morning not hungover
I am grateful for all the cheers from those who support me.
I am incredibaly grateful for support without judgment as there are still those I feel like I need to prove with how many days sober before I share my commitment.
I am grateful that I feel grateful. This weekend was a rollercoaster of emotions and I am grateful that I am starting today feeling postive.

I am grateful I leave myself notes at work to come in to. Sharing my love note with you who need it too.


I’m so grateful I don’t have to drive to work in the dark and cold.

And I’m even more grateful I don’t have to put on work clothes! I’m grateful to work from home where it’s safe and warm and cozy, and I can zoom with my colleagues – CBC on in the background and yoga mat laid out on the floor.

I’m so grateful for sobriety, and the growing sense every day that I could never achieve this on my own.

I’m grateful that my emotional bandwidth is expanding…

  • Greater reaches of happiness, even joy. And to notice the amazingness of the ordinary – to savour a coffee and my book and the view out my window on a weekend afternoon. Or the goofiness of how fun it is to make tracks in the snow – like its my first winter and not my 50th.

  • I’m grateful when I don’t run from even the smallest waves of discomfort or sadness – mostly grief still. Grateful when I can welcome it and let it have its say, its voice. Beyond it is usually calm, rest. A sense of peace even.

M and D? Today is no different… :two_hearts:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober

I am grateful that my vet was able to get all 3 of my cats into one appointment later today (even though getting them ready to leave will most likely be an epic shitshow :cat::cat::cat::japanese_ogre::clown_face:)

I am grateful to have the day off to take care of myself before returning to work :heart:


Grateful that I got a lot done today. I hope it is okay when I mix grateful, glad and proud here. Finished the painting. Of course the ceiling has stripes but I don’t care. I like it.
Grateful that I got an appointment on Wednesday for my finger.
Grateful that I am okay tonight. Calm. Exhausted. Good. After a warm bath. Maybe watching the hands aid tale also makes me grateful. Toktoktok on wood.
Grateful that soon the world gets rid of the 45th president of the US. :sunflower::pray: