Today has been a really hard day, but I’m so grateful for this community. I’m so grateful that you lifted me up, offered kind and encouraging words. I’m grateful that my cravings are almost gone and I can focus on reading a book and listening to soothing music. And as always, I’m grateful to be sober. ODAAT. Thank you, peeps!
Grateful for my sobriety. Seeing the counter at 1900 days was a nice surprise. I don’t check it often, but looking forward to the day I hit 2000. Never imagined I’d go from counting by tens, to hundreds and now thousands. That’s crazy! Grateful I still remember those single digit awful days. Grateful I never have to feel that bad ever again.
Grateful for all the kind amazing people on this forum.Grateful for my AA friendships. Having such caring and compassionate people in my life, here and irl makes this journey so much better.
Grateful for new car smell. Had a bit of buyers remorse yesterday but glad it passed with some self talk that went something like this…I work hard, and deserve something nice for myself. I need reliable transportation to make a living and get to meetings for my dose of medicine. Winter is upon us and the thought of breaking down in the cold is scary.
Grateful my daughter enjoyed another night out with other disabled adults. They went to see a musical. Grateful I didn’t complain when I had to pick her up at 11pm (way past my bedtime). Grateful I had enough energy to stay up and listen to her tell me all about it. Grateful for her excitement after these events.
Grateful to go shopping today to buy baby gifts. One of my AA ladies is expecting a girl next month after long complicated fertility treatment. We’re having a lil baby shower before tomorrow night’s AA meeting. Grateful to share in her joy. Grateful it’s an open meeting so I can bring my daughter. Ladies only meeting so no dads allowed.
I love it! 1900 days is fantastic . Look forward to celebrating your 2000 days with you soon
I totally get buyers remorse and self doubt with big purchases… grateful you were able to talk through those feelings and realize you do deserve this! Enjoy the rewards of your efforts. ODAAT
So very grateful
For the community here. Heard someone one say yesterday all the followers on a social media account are not your friends. I do not participate in other forums except here. I do feel you are my friends. I love your posts and honesty about your true feelings happy or sad.
I am grateful to come home after traveling for a couple weeks. I appreciate my home so very much.
I am grateful I am learning tools to stay strong when feel beaten down.
I am grateful I can kick this down dark feeling with thoughts of my sobriety and knowing I am enough and happiness and contentment comes from within.
I love me and actually so confident I am on the right path with the best attitude.
I love that there is someone who puts a pancake on their rabbit and takes a picture.
Grateful for:
- My son who is traveling for work and let me know not to worry, he has Zoom NA meetings planned for while he is away since he thought he might struggle to find NA meetings while on the road and not being the driver. God keep him and his sobriety safe if that is your will
- Paracetamol that is keeping the worst of this headache under control and allowing me to do what I need to do despite it.
- Decent restful sleep, even if there is not quite enough of it. That is on me though. Do not knit past your bedtime!
- This forum
- Being able to give and recieve support
Today I am grateful for:
another day of sobriety yesterday by the grace of God and this program of action.
for a nice afternoon lunch yesterday amidst new tribal members. Slow n’ steady but 1.5 hours for me in unfamiliar environs is pretty good. Previously I would have declined or said I’d go but back out at last minute.
for getting better at learning how the voice of the enemy (our mind) works. The subtlety and how much power I had been giving over to it.
that although my football team lost yesterday, b/c another team lost as well we get a spot in title game for our conf. next week.
Have a great day brothers and may God bless you and keep you.
Yes you are enough and deserve happiness!! . Hoping you have an amazing day
Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to be present for son in a tough time
Grateful to be aware of things to work on for my daughter
Grateful to nip a binge (eating) in the bud
Grateful for time to study
Grateful for a house and a warm bed
Grateful for work
Good morning sober warriors
Im so very greatful for…
Got the house cleaned for company
A long walk yesterday
Back to a job that pays my bills
Casual dress at work
Sober sisters
Coming here forever grateful for 3 years sobriety today! Gonna write more when I am back from holidays and don’t have to type on a phone, but I certainly didn’t wanna miss celebrating this milestone with you. Thank you grati-peeps for coming along and walking me home.
Awe thanks for sharing this! So very happy to see this and celebrate your amazing milestone with you. 3 years is remarkable work … Have a wonderful time on your vacation
I’m grateful for your three years today. Well done and thanks for sharing.
Grateful that taste, or not, I had Prime Rib for the 1st time in over a year last night.
Grateful that these friends bought and gave a new harness for my neurotic dog, who chewed her plastic attachment.
Grateful that even though she peed in the house on day one, which she does not do, after I cleaned it over and over and over, it was still bringing stuff up. It turns out former owner had a naughty.
Been here two weeks tomorrow and I and spoiled but strictly raised doggos are doing OK.
As I have been grateful for before and typed often, it’s time to pull some shit together. Ample food and some sleep has me properly self-talking, over what had been happening.
Grateful to be alive, because I am supposed to be.
Much love.
Congratulations on 3 years!
I’m grateful I decided to do something different this morning and took myself on a walk in the crisp slightly below freezing morning. I made coffee, dressed warmly, and got to see plants edged with frost. The rosemary still smelled wonderful as I brushed past a bush in a neighbor’s front yard.
I usually wake and journal—this past week, I’ve had so many deadlines thst I’ve been waking up and getting right to work on my laptop. I’m grateful I thought to intereupt that pattern and actually carried it out.
I’m grateful for an early coffee on a snowy day to mark my first day of vacation this week. I’m grateful my new bed frame will come sometime this week.
I’m grateful for a week off to make my apartment feel like a home, I and the apartment stalled out when my Mom died. This week is for processing and decorating and cleaning. And more processing.
I’m grateful for chats with friends. Especially lovely Iowa girls like @RosaCanDo and always my sister across the pond @Tragicfarinelli. The peace I get from talking to you lovely folk makes me know that I need an in person recovery community in my life. I’m adding that to this weeks to-do list.
I’m grateful for a to-do list to guide me and a week to relax. I think I’ll pick up a book today. It has been too long since I read.
I’m grateful for this recovery process and I’m proud and grateful to be here with you fine folks. Better every day is the goal.
Loooovveeee you
Ditto babes. Thanks for helping to keep me sane all this time.
@Pandita Happy 3rd soberversary and have a wonderful vaccacion
@tailee17 happy 1900 days
@TrustyBird Sending good and healing vibes, enjoy your week off as good as possible
Monday gratitude.
Today I’m grateful I slept well. It’s a blessing to wake up rested. I’m grateful I did so much today, I surprised myself. I’m grateful my finances are straight and I payed my new green wonderwuzzi today. I’m grateful the insurance agent mailed the cost overview for next year. Time enough to prepare the payments. Fuck it’s getting costly, everything became so expensive. I’m grateful I still can afford my life. I’m grateful major changes are planned for next year. I’m grateful for first things first and one step after another
I’m grateful for a massage today. I feel better.
I’m grateful I remembered old techniques to aerate soil and tried them today. An experiment
I’m grateful I had fun in the sun.
I’m grateful I started planting the new roses.
I’m grateful for leftovers and a long nap. I’m grateful I’ll be in bed after the weather forecast, I’m tired. I’m grateful that I’m sober and the kitchen is tidy. ODAAT
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a new cycle (in 2 days or so)
I am grateful for a walk with my colleague. He recommended me a series I am enjoying atm.
I am grateful for painkillers that will hopefully kick in soon.
I am grateful I have a home I like.
I am grateful I have enough.