Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #8 šŸŖ·

I love that you are adding podcasts to it. Love this for youā€¦ hope you keep that interest - a nice walk has gotta be so refreshing :hugs:


:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I feel pretty darn good after a crap night sleep in the spare bedroom with wifey and the pets in a small, but grateful queen size bed.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful the built in shelves in the primary bedroom and bathroom are coming along nicely and they are being painted.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful it will only be 2 nights we canā€™t sleep in there while the paint dries.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I got to my beach meeting yesterday. Oh gosh I needed it after not going for ten days.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t need it because I thought about drinking. I needed it for the spiritual connection with others. And being on the beach in Malibu with other alcoholics is a great way to start the day.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful the sea lions :seal::seal: swam by. I thought maybe the were dolphins but I just saw heads. 2 Minnies checking on me.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I saw the dolphins right after the :seal: :seal: and that reassured me that I saw both.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t interrupt the speaker to shout out about the :dolphin::dolphin: and :seal::seal:
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I had restraint.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t make it a big day at the beach. Just walked on the beach right there and went home for lunch.
:ocean: Iā€™m grateful that last turkey sandwich was amazing!
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful I got the tree up yesterday.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful I got it up by myself.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful I enjoy Christmas decorating by myself with my Christmas music on.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll learn some year this Christmas decorating thing is ā€œmy thing.ā€ And that itā€™s easier and more enjoyable when I do it by myself. And thatā€™s ok.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful to learn not everyone has to enjoy what I enjoy. And that has nothing to do with me personally.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful now that Iā€™ve figured that out again :grimacing: I can get a little more in the Holiday spirit.
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful for this thread. It seems to be a one way street for me lately. But Iā€™m here. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m posting. But I do feel like Iā€™m missing out since Iā€™m not reading everyone elseā€™s gratitude. Iā€™m grateful thatā€™s just going to have to be ok for me.
:christmas_tree:Iā€™m just so grateful this gratitude practice continues whether Iā€™m here or not. I mean why wouldnā€™t it?
:christmas_tree: Iā€™m grateful itā€™s the best thread in the house :kissing_heart:
:pray:t2: :ocean: :heart: :seal: :heart: :dolphin: :heart: :christmas_tree: :heart:

ā€œPeace of mind depends on recognizing our own shortcomings. An honest personal inventory helps us recognize our strengths and weaknesses.ā€
This Is Al-Anon


Wednesday gratitude.

Today Iā€™m grateful for a slow day. Iā€™m grateful I cooked delicious food for myself. Iā€™m grateful I puttered around the house, did this and that, started a new series, took a bath. Iā€™m grateful for warmth, for my cozy house, for being at peace. ODAAT


Todayā€˜s gratitude.

Iā€˜m grateful there are so many ressources on the internet about my current condition and how to make life easier with it.
I am very grateful I got diagnosed so quickly and donā€™t have to worry about having more serious health trouble.
I am grateful I managed to do some house work today.
I am grateful my GP prescribed called back today. I am grateful my blood panel is exceptionally good. I am grateful she prescribed the meds I need and compression garments.
I am grateful my daughter picked up my prescriptions.
I am grateful my daughter handled her home schooling day very well by herself. I am very grateful the teachers were all very involved.
I am grateful my daughter could go to ballet lesson even with a migraine and had my mum there to take her home earlier when her symptoms worsened.
I am grateful for all the relaxing activities in my day: tv, games, podcasts, yoga nidra recordings.
I am grateful I managed to cook my meals.
I am grateful my partner and I are taking time to talk.
I am grateful for this day, grateful for this life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I need to remind myself that I am grateful for:
ā€”my daughterā€™s health and happiness
-Comfortable roof over my head, with all my physical needs other than adequate sleep met.
-I was able to do a quick workout and get a shower in today
-Iā€™m able to pay bills and Christmas shop without money stress
-my wife and I are working on our communication. Even if our work schedules have put lots of strain on our relationship - and we have tough days - we are both invested in making this family and household work.


Wow congratulations on your sober days! More awesome your daily work walk. I could not do it! Bills or no bills. Driving an hour was more than I could handle. You are my hero!


8 months is awesome. So glad you are here to share.


I made it back to my meeting after weeks without. It was great to be there for me. I knew I would be questioned as no tan from vacation (just wasnā€™t the vacation I had envisioned)

@Dazercat sleeping arrangements for you are I assume temporary. Glad you can accept them for now.


Today Iā€™m greatful I didnā€™t pick up and stayed sober

I donā€™t need drugs and alcohol
I need a stable connection in my relationship with my family. If I didnā€™t pick up itā€™s a good day


Today Iā€™m grateful for ā€¦

  • My partner bringing home the shopping because Iā€™m sick
  • My work colleagues telling me to take care of myself, I work with some very genuinely nice people
  • My daily phone call from my mam
  • Decaf tea and cupcakes
  • Cat cuddles and human cuddles

Grateful today

Connection with my higher power.
Made it to my AA MEETING after a few weeks. I needed it. Great Shares.
Couple loads of laundry completed.
Kitchen tidied up
Accounting tasks completed
Appreciated store exchanged my 45lb bag of dog food / defective
Grateful I am staying calm even when hubby is having a really tough time with his work load and employees
Grateful I can pray for him and know God listens
Grateful I am sober / could not handle life right now without sobriety
Grateful I am the person I want to be.


Grateful for

  • Feeling better today
  • Working from home, in PJā€™s, with a blankie wrapped around me
  • Steam bake mode on the air fryer
  • Seeing both my sons post in our Whatsapp fam chat group. Son1 has been missing from us for so long while he struggled to find his way back.
  • God helping us find a way to get the money together to get Son1 into rehab.
  • His example leading me to AA and being open to really hear the message and act on it
  • this life

Grateful that all though I know it doesnā€™t help, I woke up still mad today.
Grateful that I plan to fight my former employer because I know they were wrong in what they decided.
Grateful to plug in smelling exercises into my day, I will not believe what the internet says, that I will never get it back because a year has passed.
Grateful to move around today, under a roof. Itā€™s over 30 degrees colder here today. A high of 25 after a high of 56, not my happy land.
Grateful for this thread and all of you.
Grateful for my continued plans to succeed in life. You all may not find it new that I am meant to tell this story outside of a thread.
Grateful that I found a recipe for garlicky chicken from the restaurant!
Grateful that I may try this three different zones lasagna pan. I had never seen one before. When itā€™s cold, why not cook?

Have a happy day.


Grateful we had safe travels to and from TX this week to help my mom move.
Grateful she is very thankful and happy in her new place.
Grateful no matter how busy and tired I was, I didnā€™t want to drink.
Grateful for 94 days AF.
Grateful for the TS family.


Greatful today, in this moment

Greatful forā€¦

949 days of continuous sobriety
Sober community
Me feeling confident to tell our house guests no booze and not be ashamed
Acknowleding and surrending to the fact that i reached my max consumption of alcohol and am now forever powerless over itā€¦best to abstain
My AA ladies meeting tonight
My folks
Extra time to prepare our home for guests as theyre coming midday tmrw rather than today
Comforting hugs and kisses with hubby
Our partnership
The prayer for those still suffering from addiction
Hot coffee
The sunrise colors today, a warm orange, cool blue, and lite yellowā€¦reminded me of arizona


Iā€™m grateful
For my morning hike and run
For being productive despite my low energy
For potato leek soup for dinner with cheesy rosemary scones
For good friends
For a beautiful sunrise
For the snowy mountains
For peace and hope
For coping skills


:+1: Good morning Gratidudes
:+1: Iā€™m grateful for you.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I wasnā€™t sure where to start this morning. Love that btw, coffee meme, hello to a friend, meme thread. And now gratitude.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I slept so much last night it should be illegal.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful my coffee came out wonderful after feeding everyone and letting Benson out. Not in that order.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I got my peaceful 3 minute meditation in after my coffee and in silence.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I stuck to a rigorous morning routine of devotionals, readings, prayer, gratitude and more daily readers in an orderly fashion for a very long time in my early recovery :mending_heart:
:+1: Iā€™m grateful to be free from my addiction. Today. Iā€™m grateful I know itā€™s still in there. Always will be. But Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m also free these days to pick and choose the recovery work I want to do as I please. Or as I feel.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful for recovery meetings.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful my Al-Anon meeting I had to lead yesterday is over. Iā€™m still a stranger here leading a group of 30 people and itā€™s such a different format and I always worry me be different and running my way might not please everyone.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful thatā€™s not why Iā€™m here. To please everyone. Iā€™m grateful after almost 5 years of hell, and over 2 and a half years of Al-Anon I know what the fuck Iā€™m talking about and I got my story of experience strength and hope to share.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I know Iā€™m not doing it wrong.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I picked a topic I never lead with or didnā€™t have much experience with because thatā€™s how I learn.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I thought 12th month letā€™s do 12th step. Iā€™ve never seen any of the steps be a topic at this meeting. Maybe thatā€™s why I was so apprehensive. My meeting my topic.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I feel good.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful I ask my SIL if he wants to hike today. He does.
:+1: Iā€™m grateful for our nice small guest bedroom, with wifey, 4 cats and Benson, thereā€™s was just enough space for me.
:pray:t2: :+1: :heart:

I will be open to the process of surrender in my life. I will allow myself all the awkward and potent emotions that must be released.


Iā€™m grateful for:

  • my mom reaching out to schedule lunch with me this weekend
  • my dad taking me out for breakfast this morning
  • my home, which is safe and warm and where I can rest and recover from the stuffy nose / sinus cold I have now
  • my friends and customers, who are sending me new tutoring customers to help me earn money and pay the bills

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful my colleagues donā€™t ask me how I am doing.
I am glad I made it to the gym this morning.
I am glad I went for a walk when I felt overwhelmed.
I am grateful for the dry cold today.


I am grateful;
To wake up today feeling better than I did yesterday
To have a clear mind
For having sorted the house and how to continue my studies.
For being sober and not filled with regrets.
For my wonderful partner.
For my warm house during this cold day