Daily Greeting

Ah brill that you have a cause and can fix you with some iron soon :+1: rest well sweetie with the girls are away xx


Thanks for this :rofl: the older girl just called and now I have some things to do as ordered :joy:

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Just a moment a agoā€¦


Good to see you relaxing Hanana! Glad youā€™ve sorted out why you are feeling tired all the time.


Relaxing was soon over, girls paid a visitā€¦

Ha, did they forget something?

Their mom, I suppose :expressionless:
Dadā€™s off to work and there were some issues to solve out like a broken smartphone etc


Goofygeoff how are you???

Goofy??!!! :thinking:
Iā€™m good thanks Hanana. Living life taking itā€™s ups and downs!
Trying to keep smiling :grinning:


Today, I am strong! Thank you God for another sober start!


All right Geoff the great, that doesnā€™t sound so good :roll_eyes:

No, no my lady. On the whole things are not bad.
Just life. But then I remember that there are others less fortunate than myself.

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Blaah you canā€™t always think of the starving kids of the world. It just doesnā€™t work that way. Now, you really have to dig deep :new_moon_with_face:


Oh Hanana you are brilliant do you know that. Iā€™m wondering whether to do a wild camp tonight.
Half of me is saying yes then there is the other half that trying to talk myself out of it.
I should listen to the proactive half butā€¦:grinning:

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Watch out for axe murders!


Well another day passes,not much drama in the mind.Overcame the temptation one day at a timeā€‹:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: .


Iā€™ve heard that consuming alcohol in space has a very different effect then on earth. Once astronauts squeezed a tissue with a tiny bit of alcohol in space and it had the same effect as one or more glasses or something. Still donā€™t know if it was a hoax but I find it a good story.
What did you cook by the way?

Usually for this kind of dish Iā€™d cook regular bok choy in peanut oil along with minced ginger, served with rice and chicken breast. I changed it up to use Shanghai (baby) bok choy, leave out the chicken, include tofu and additional mixed vegetables in a stir fry type deal, and in the end added wasabi for flavour as well.

So it wasnā€™t super new to me, but enough so. I dislike learning new ingredients, I half expect them to result in me spending hours burning the kitchen down, cutting off a finger, and making dumpster-tier food, all as a result of me doing it wrong. But Shanghai bok choy ended up being way less work than the regular variety, and tofu turned out to be better and easier than Iā€™d feared.


@keiti we just shouted her out in our Finnish group but no news. Letā€™s wait and seeā€¦ hopefully Iā€™ll hear something from her soon :crossed_fingers:

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I was just thinking of her today too. Hope she is okay. :heart: