Daily Greeting

Starts with dating Bannibal today at 10.30. I’m okay with that. It’s the iron levels that piss me off…
Good morning :blush: On my way to make coffee


Just awesome @BillS happy for you :clap::ok_hand:Spartan sounds quite extreme…

Thanks dear girl :kissing_heart: I’m gonna be alright. I wish serenity, joy and spark to your week :innocent::joy_cat::sparkles:


I’m feeling bothered by something, out walking my dog this evening, I always bring a walking stick of some sort. Usually a hockey stick in case I see a snake. Well tonight I had a cactus rib that I fashioned into a cane, thin like a riding crop. Stopped to chat with neighbor who’s out in front of his house with his girls, probably about 6 or 7 and as we’re talking I notice a small young rattlesnake near the bunch of us…I felt It had to be killed as there was know way to capture it and no place nearby to safely release it. So I trapped it with my stick and he brought out a shovel to kill it. But he gave me the shovel, I dont think he wanted to, so I did…believe it or not it bothers me. So there it is, I’m feeling blue for killing a rattlesnake…
Edit… on the up-side, the score as it stands is; me 2, rattlesnakes 0.
Oh and he offered me a beer as a reward which I obviously declined…


Thanks Kairi, honestly if I could have relocated I gladly would have, but because his girls were so near to it I felt it had to be done, I’m kind of thinking along the line now of better the snake then the kids. Thank you for sharing, I hope your dog wasnt injured…or your liver…:slightly_smiling_face:


That rattlesnake knew who it was dealing with. You had no options so don’t feel blue about that. The snake is rattled, but in rattlesnake heaven full of fat mice…


More determined to keep the fight on…temptations are the Devil…its all in the mind

I can understand how you could be feeling this way Chris. I remember, years ago, working on a chicken farm. When they had emptied out the sheds of all the “good” stock all that was left were ones that were obviously not right. Either lame or what looked like something missing in the head. Anyway you get the picture. My first time I asked what happens to these and was told it was our job now to dispatch them. I couldn’t find it in myself to do it.
I excused myself and everytime they came to the end of a batch after that I made sure I was ill or away.


I used to massacre snails in my garden but couldn’t do it for years… mosquitos then…

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Morning Hanana! How are you today!

Aww the poor chickens :disappointed_relieved:

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Yeah I know right. It did cross my mind to take them home but only for a moment.:rofl:

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Ha ha ha Mr G the lame chicken rescuer :rofl:


I can see my wife’s face if I’d brought the one home. All it did was run around in circles?

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@Frantasticooo thank you!!!
Good morning to all!!! A week sober gave me hope and light.
Love to all :green_heart::two_hearts::blue_heart::dog::bear::sun_with_face::family_man_woman_girl_boy:


A week sober is friggin fantastic, thathope and light, theres plenty more of that to be had on the sober side of the street, keep up the great work :blush::blush::blush:


It’s not scary at all. Just ten minutes of lying down


Bless you sweetie :kissing_heart::kissing_heart: hope it goes ok! Will there be side effects??

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Possible hair loss on the target area. They said we can discuss wig issues if needed. I said hell no, I’m rather gonna shave half of my head :joy:

On the other hand… There are some glamorous wig options…

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