Dang ......... stupid 10 word dilly

@C-sun @Gabe.G @Victorious @Kmills888 and everyone else that was around at my time.

I’m here to day I’ve let you all down. A year and a half in , and i crashed.

I am 2 days sober (y’all remember me saying that before) so I’m kinda back to trying ro stop. I kinda have to know.

Short story verson

I had a bash that I had planned out, thinking that it was a one time deal… welp hi again :grin:


Haha you knew this was coming didn’t ya

I’ve lost my truck, bike, and about to lose my house (again) you tell me :grin::grin:

Naw I’ll pull it off somehow. I know when it’s time.


Hey Rex. I’m so glad you came back. You did it once before and can again. You still know all the skills you learned in that year and a half. Dust them off and use them - and please ask for help here when you need it. You aren’t alone.


No​:grin::grin: this ones my time. When I retired from skating my sponsor stopped paying me but I was still living the skate star life and pretty much fucked myself.

Welcome back. Though I’m relatively new here, I’m pretty sure I can speak for most here by saying you can’t disappoint us. If you strayed from the path of recovery but found your way back, that is a glorious occasion. We’re all in this together and will always be here for each other.


Maybe try a meeting they might help wish you well

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Hi @Rex. There was a period when I lost my way too. Welcome home. Congrats on the two days.


Hey, good to see you back! You know the drill, get through this minute and face the next one when it comes. You have done this before, there’s no reason you can’t do it again.

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Hey Rex! I too have lost my way :pensive: let’s get thru this together! Material things can always be replaced. Just take the next step to making a good decision to get in a place that makes you happy without using.

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Dang @Rex. Sorry things crashed down around you. None of us are immune from relapse, I guess. It’s not like you lost that amount of time though

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Thank you all, it was a rough week but I made it. I will be on day 7 today at noon (California time) still got a long way to go, but the worst part is behind me.


I mainly rode for suicidal skates I had a few years with monster. I just got to old and beat up to be able to skate with these 19 20 year old kids. Skating is my life, I will always skate just not as aggressive as I use to. :metal::grin::metal:

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I knew you giving up the skater life was too good to be true lol. I’m sorry that you relapsed but I’m glad you’re right back in there doing what needs to be done instead of wallowing and sinking deeper. Sorry it took me awhile to get here, I haven’t been on in awhile. But I’m here to help however I can. Proud of every positive step you make :slight_smile:

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