Dating in sobriety

Hi everyone. I’m really struggling hard to single women who share the same passion for sobriety as I do. Where do people go to meet other sober people to find companionship?


Maybe at the annonymous meetings?

It’s pretty frowned upon picking up people in the rooms. I was hoping someone new other outlets in which to meet other sober people. I guess sober outings would be one way but I really wish I had other options. :confused:
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate you.

You could try finding activities in your community that don’t involve alcohol. There are a lot of people who don’t drink! Maybe a trivia night, book club, adult sports team, a gym… the more you put yourself out there the more people you will meet! Be open about alcohol not being a part of your life. you will find others who might not be passionate about sobriety, but simply choose not to drink!

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Agreed with @Gemstone123. Not sure where you are in your sobriety but be careful with dating. There are a lot of emotions going on. I’ve read in many places that you should not become involved in relationships and be careful with all relationships your first year at least. There are a lot of emotions and as I travel through my first year, completely understanding why. People who are in relationships already have to find new ways to recreate those. For me right now really sure who I am. I know what I like to do sober but I’m finding my tolerance for certain things becomes much more different ( lol) then it was when I was drinking. Also sometimes I can get very moody, without notice. I can’t believe that would that would be very appealing to anyone just meeting me LOL. Everybody’s different though. In AA it is frowned upon, I think they call it the thirteenth step LOL but it is easy to be attracted to someone that can be understanding of what you’re going through. It’s definitely teaching me to be less needy, less paranoid and more likely not to jump to conclusions and that platonic relationships actually do exist. Becoming sober kind of goes hand-in-hand with learning to love yourself. Once you love yourself the kind of love you give other people is completely different. :slight_smile:


Church lol no you should just find someone online