Day 1.....20hrs and counting

Hi everyone. Mine name is Linda! I’m from Australia and I have only just recently downloaded this app. I’m here to meet people who are going through similar experiences with alcohol abuse. Hoping yo create some healthy new relationships and to learn techniques on how to stay away from booze. :slight_smile:


Welcome Linda 🙋
I’m Claudia and living in the Netherlands. Sober for a while now with the help of this app and the people in it.
Look around, read and learn. You can find every topic you are interested in by using the magnificent glass above. If you have questions, ask.
In the beginning of my sobriaty I was here every day to read and write. It helps to be here much!
So I hope to see you around often!


Hi @Linda79

Welcome. There are some great people here. So glad you are joining us! Keep you’re head up and feel free to message me anytime.

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Thank you! Nice to meet you! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Lovely to meet you! :slight_smile:

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You too! @Linda79

If you like search for the tread “checking in to maintain focus”. You can check in sober and people are helping eachother.
It was very helpfull for me.
I do not know how to put a link to it here. But you will find it if you use the search button above :mag:

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I have send you an invite to the tread. I hope that worked :blush:

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It did, thank you. :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome! :+1:

Hi @Linda79, welcome! It’s lovely to meet you :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Welcome Linda! It’s nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you better.


Ok so I should be at day 6 but I’ve had a bumpy start to my sobriety journey!

But I’m not going to dwell because I just made it to Day 2!!!

It feels good. Knowing that I will wake up again tomorrow morning with a clear head!

Bring on the next few days!

Hey Linda,
Welcome. I am Jonelle living in Belize. It is a journey but a choice you make everyday.

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Welcome Linda! Congrats on making a healthy decision. Goodonya.

Australia is my dream destination. I have such an affinity for all things Australian.

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Once covid settles you should try & get here. Australia really is a beautiful place!

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Day 3!!! :partying_face: I made it! Feel so good!!!


Right there with you…hard to count the last 2 days, since all I did was go to work and then back to the bed… Now it’s 745 on a Saturday morning, dishes and kitchen are clean, an my only anxiety is to make coffee or go get one.

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It’s that one little minute that makes or breaks you, B. Push through it, it’s so worth it. I really want to see you get it!

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Hi Linda, hope you’re doing well. Fellow Aussie here. Day 2 for me and my 2nd attempt. This time I’ve got it. We can do this.