Day 1 - Hello all (alcohol)

Hello, hope to check in daily! I’m excited to be here and read through the forum.

I’m on day 1. Want to go for a dry 100 this time (and maybe beyond). I really hope I can get there.

My difficult period is between 7-8pm, the last hour the local shop is open, so I’ve yet to get through that today. I know the first few days are the most difficult, so I’ll just have to be grumpy and bear it.

I did dry January this year, and loved it. All of the terrible sleep, headaches, etc, in the first couple of weeks were so worth it. Ended it feeling so happy, and free, enjoying the small things in life, and then of course tried to moderate since with expected bad results. Overweight, unfit, anxious, sedentary and unmotivated, I’ve got to make a change.

A small bit about me:
I’m nearly 30, I’m a postgrad student from the UK, and I have 2 cats.

Edit: I hope I am using the forum properly. Maybe daily check ins have their own area…? :sweat_smile:


Welcome to the forum!

There is a daily check in thread that a lot of folks use. It’s a good way to stay connected and get support. I put the link below. Posting your own topic is awesome too. Either one works!

Checking in daily to mantain focus #17

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Welcome. Day 1, congrats. Multiply that tomorrow. Whatever you did yo stay sober today, do that tomorrow. Keep the same new patterns, no triggers. You got this amigo. Happy Saturday.


Welcome!! It’s amazing what cutting alcohol out will do for you physically mentally and spiritually! And once you quit and do some research, it’s a wonder why we ever ingested it in the first place! It literally does nothing good for us!


:100:agreed. True true.

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Welcome to TS! This place will change your life if you open up and let it. We are all here to support you on your journey. The people here are top notch. Best of luck. You CAN do this!


I used up all my :heart:s today! But I agree with @SobahCobra79. This forum will change you life. It’s a community for sure full of support!


Welcome! Why consider stopping at 100 days? You already said moderation doesn’t work so don’t even try again. You’ve had a taste of sobriety and it felt great, right? You can have that feeling the rest of your life. Stick around here with us and we’ll help you accomplish a sober happy life.


@Lisa07 couldn’t be more right! Make sobriety work for you! Stick around it really is a great place to be!

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Welcome! This is the right place to be for support and it’s a great community full of helpful advice :slightly_smiling_face:

So true. Cutting alcohol improved me physically and mentally. I stopped taking blood pressure meds when I stopped.

I would have to agree with some of the other comments that said that “moderation” shouldn’t be a target. I always liked fooling myself into thinking that I could do the whole “moderation thing”, but it never works out well. Hence, I’m back here and approaching the end of my third day.
If you will forgive a quotation from Star Wars, as Yoda once said “Do or do not”… my aim is definitely to “do” sobriety. I have already caused myself some health problems that I’m hoping will improve as time goes forward.
You can do the same, you can do it, we all can.
To quote the books by Allan Carr (I think that I’m spelling his name correctly), going without alcohol is not DEPRIVING yourself of anything, but rather it’s FREEING yourself from the talons of an industry and society that have lied to us all. And remember that well-meaning friends and family may be part of the problem!

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So true! Moderation is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It’s a living hell. It’s just flat out not worth it. Too much anxiety, negative thinking and self talk, still feeling like crap and usually failing anyway. Totally opposite of being sober where each day you don’t drink is a day you’re succeeding

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Welcome to the group🙂. I agree with @Brookiemonster618 and @Lisa07 why only go to 100 days? It becomes easier once we accept that alcohol doesn’t serve us, we are servants to it. In any case whatever your goals are we’re here for you.


I really needed to see this :slightly_smiling_face:

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You doing okay?

hi, im finally starting to see that i do have a problem with drinking, ive prettty much cut out drugs from my life but drinking seems to be harder, its easy to get hold of and is everywhere around me, for the last two months ive been sober but the last week or so ive slipped a few times, saying to myself that its okay to have one drink, but its never just one and i feel like shit the next few days after

It’s never too late to get sober. I started at 40. I’m 41 now. I can’t even have one. Beer leads to more beer, then leads to pills, and coke and joints, an endless cycle. It sounds so cliche but if I can do it, anyone can. I abused it more than I was addicted to it. But alcohol was my favorite, oh man. Good luck. I’m here if you need to talk. It isn’t easy.

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thank you for the help, means alot to me , one day at time i guess

One day at a time. The only way. Can’t look in the past, can’t predict the future. All you have is today, that’s it! Whatever you did yesterday to stay sober, do that today.