Sara's Journey

Hello everyone. I’m very glad to have found this app. I’m on day 1. It was hard this morning not doing my routine of going and getting alcohol, but I got through it. I talked to an old therapist which helped a lot. Then I kept myself busy potting a plant and watering it as well as the rest of my plants. I’m going to go to the Y to get some physical activity in. Overall the day was ok. Withdrawals were minimal since I weaned off. Before this they were horrible and I probably should have went to detox yet didn’t. I soothed it with more alcohol. I’m proud to say I have 1 day sober. I’ll also be connecting with a possible sponsor tonight. God gives me so many opportunities, it’s time to take advantage of them. Thank you God.


Congrats Sara!!! Lots of good people here to support you. Enjoy your day 1 - sounds like you tapered off well. :heart:


Congratulations Sara! Welcome to Talking Sober :wave:

One day at a time. It’s good you’re reaching out to connect. Support and connection is important in recovery :innocent:


Great job Sara!!!
It is awesome to have you here and sober. There are really good people and I enjoy reading when I have some time here and there each day.
Keep it up.

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Thank you so much. I did. It was hard, being an alcoholic I wanted more so bad. Luckily I have a really supportive dad who helped me through it.


Thank you for the warm welcome. I agree. When I isolate is when I get myself in trouble.

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Thank you! I’ve noticed it is a very positive place. I love the widget on my home screen. It’s really helped me through today.

Also, what is ODAAT?


“One Day At A Time”


All the Best Sara. It’s worth it, and you are worth it :slight_smile:
Keep coming back :pray:

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:expressionless: lol. That went right over my head. I was trying so hard to figure it out. Thank you. KISS Sara.

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Congratulations and welcome :grinning:

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Thank you!

Welcome to the group Sara! You’ll meet lots of helpful, funny, supportive people from all over the world. People who understand what you are going through because we’re all here to get sober (from one thing or another). My problem is alcohol and this place is one of the greatest tools in my toolbox.


Congrads on day 1! I wish you the best of luck. This is the best app ever, and a great bunch of people here!


I have loved this place so much in the last day and a half. So much love and support. Thank you!

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I have definitely put this in my toolbox as well. This app and all of you have truly gotten me through this first day and a half. Thank you!

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I’ve made it through day two. Mornings (right when I wake up) and late nights are the hardest. It’s when I think of alcohol the most. For my mornings, I pray and go to an online AA meeting. Nights I am still figuring out. I’ve been reading a book about sleep (suggested by my sleep doctor) and that seems to take my mind off of it. I have the worry of going to bed without TV, which I’ve done for so many years. So I focus on how to relax and reassure myself that everything is ok. Sleeping is supposed to be a safe space. It hasn’t always been…
I journal on here, pray, turn on the sound of crickets, and lay down. It’s a very new, foreign concept to go to sleep so vulnerably stuck with my own thoughts.


The sleep will come (That’s what they tell me). I’m glad you are getting a routine at least in the morning. It helps me so much. Mine is very similar to yours I get up and pray, make my bed, wash up, then I stretch and meditate, breakfast, meds, then off to group. After group back home then lunch, meds, I clean my room and then it’s kind of up in the air. I hope to have a gym membership by Wednesday that should help my evenings. Anyway I went through all that because it’s crazy to have everything so organized because in my use my life is a mess literally and figuratively. It funny my last roommate told me my sock and underwear draw looked like a serial killer because everything is folded the same way and color coded😳

Anyway sorry to ramble this is my I’ve been up since 330 racing brain.


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That’s awesome. I hope you get your gym membership. I’m still figuring out my routine. You have way more of your day figured out than I. Progress, not perfection.
My problem has always been not having structure. I do well when I have it, but I get lazy and want short cuts. That’s where I get myself in trouble. If I want to stay sober, I need to stop wanting to take short cuts.
I’m starting to apply for jobs so that should keep me busy for some part of the day.
I’ve always had sleep problems, I have always had terrible sleepy hygiene and habits. So I’m retraining my brain in that as well as getting sober. I started with both on the same day. I’m trying to keep a positive mind about it, but I’m awake, dreading going to bed. That in itself is insanity. Fun thing I’ve heard, your brain will force you to sleep eventually… While it’s true, it’s poopy to hear when it’s your own brain struggling. I still chuckle and find it humorous. I’m glad I have a sense of humor.
As far as the sock drawer, I’m the same with my closet. Tank tops, t shirts, dress shirts, then all organized by color and likeness.