Day 1 need advice please

This is a very scary thing. I never thought I would have to do this I thought I had control but I’ve learned I do not. I need all the advice I can get please I’m not even too sure where to begin but I do know it’s a day, a minute, a second at a time. I’ve half ass tried this before but im ready to fully commit. I need this for my friends my family but most importantly myself.


Welcome to Talking Sober.
I know how you feel. I had something similar when I had first days of recovery. For me a lot helped to take care of myself, which learnt me when I’m triggered, first all I care of myself and I do not try to drink, cut or smoke it away.
I’m sending to you hugs. I believe you can do it. :heart:


Hi amd welcome here :raising_hand_woman:
My advice would be: invedt ypur time in reading here. There is so much good info to find.
Many forms of addiction here but the recovery is overall much simulair.
At first avoid alcohol related people, places, events the first few months. Strip your house from alcohol and empty bottles.
Make an escape plan (what are you going to do when cravings kick in, what’s your answer if someone offer you a drink and he ore she ask why you do not drink, etc).
Be easy on you, recovery is difficult enough. Please yourself with good food, a good read and a hot bath, etc. Everything allowed besides drinking.
Use the search bar above to find all the new ore older topics you wanna read.
There are no weird ore stupid questions, so just ask what you need to know.
And most important: ask for help if you need it, there is always someone around to listen!


Try a meeting might help wish you well


Welcome aboard, to a very helpful place. I admire you for taking hold and reaching out. Took me literally YEARS to do that! Knowing you are not alone is a big help.



After a decade of struggling, I was finally done and am newly sober as well. I feel you. It’s incredibly hard.

I think the most important thing is, if possible, to get the assistance of medical professionals. I switched my primary care physician and she was so helpful & understanding. She ordered an ultrasound for my liver, blood tests, and ordered me to see a behavioral therapist. I already feel better knowing I have a team behind me.

Secondly, keep your mind and body busy. What helps me is going to the gym (this works best because I tire myself out afterwards lol, and you meet people in a positive environment who are trying to better themselves), doing household tasks like cleaning, drinking tea/protein shakes, cook, talk with supportive friends even if it’s through text, and watch sober tok videos on TikTok (these actually really help because there are tons of people who share their struggles with addiction).

You got this, girl!


Welcome. This is a great first step. Start by being active here. Read ad much as you can. You will find: advice, success stories, stories of failure, fun, and friendship.

Be sober!


What helped me right away was staying om this app and Journaling. I read a lot of posts on here and engaged with the community. Congrats on day 1! :clap:


You can do it brother we all here for you just keep thinking positive love ya

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Welcome Brenna. Great day for a day 1. I think I’ll take a day 1 today too. Not my first day. But one day at a time ODAAT.

Being active on here, keeping an open mind, and getting rid of excuses, keeps me sober. And gratitude. Lots and lots of gratitude on the gratitude thread.

Welcome to Talking Sober! 2023 update!
Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable. The Lights are always on here.

Welcome Mountaingirl


Good for you for finally sayin no.

I’m Andrew and I’m an alcoholic , it took me a long time to come to a realization growing up , but also with the amount of relapses and issues ive spiraled into with alcoholism knowing what I was getting into.

Depending on how heavy you used, and how long will definitely differ in your side effects.

My side effects have gotten so bad recently on my most current relapse about 1.5 days ago I said that’s it I’m done “again” … as if it hasn’t already been sounded psychotic to me almost always going back for 'just one more" and it sadly isn’t because my control with alcohol is based off of a lot of bad habits and trauma I encountered growing up since my youth.

If you’re new to this or in the beginning just be easy on yourself, and avoid stuff that triggers you.

I used to drink to eliminate my stress, depression episodes and social anxiety, so when I’m first weening off its good that I stay in areas where I feel more safe and secure.

Just talk to good people, do plenty of research, AA meetings have helped me so many times and this app.
After the side effects wear off, a lot of it is more just a psychological battle especially if you know you’re truly an addict to alcohol .

Try to stay hydrated, eat small amounts of food if you can’t digest big quantities, and I’d say if you have opportunities to exercise (even if it’s in your household) , and rest plenty than do it. The body needs time to recover and rebuild it’s regular routine.

Try not to panic too much over it, it makes the side effects and withdrawals worse I personally find.

Reach out for support and be honest with yourself and everyone.


Thank you all for this your kind words and advice. I appreciate every single word, it means so much to me!!! It’s a weight lifted knowing there’s a strong, caring, community behind all of us. Ya’ll are truly rockstars. We’re in this together :heart_hands:


Welcome Brenna, you’re in a supportive space and if you stick with it you will find what you need. Don’t give up! Take it one day at a time.

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You’ll read this a lot cause I say it a lot

Day 1 is better than Day None. We all started with Day 1.

First things 1st Welcome, you got a great support group from all over the globe here. No matter the time there’s usually someone ready to help. That’s great I came here in early sobriety and well so many of these forum members became support peers and friends.

Feel free to read I think someone posted links above for suggestions,

Ask questions, don’t be afraid either, getting/staying sober isn’t an easy task, nor is there not one “right way” the right way is what works for you. For some that’s meetings, or therapy, others used meditation prayer it doesn’t matter, what matters is at the end of the day your sober, than you successfully made It another day

Saturdays has a zoom group here, they’ll post a link and have a time frame, very informal much more of a check in vs a structured meeting. But the regulars are a great group.

As far as the day to day, it’s not gonna be easy, it’s gonna be worth it though. Expect some physical withdrawl symptoms. Feeling sick, headaches nausea etc, anxiety, restlessness,

Mental your gonna be in a fog, difficultly concentrating, staying on task, irritated easily, mood swings.

The best thing I learned was idle hands, idle minds will lead you back to the booze. If you have any hobbies, feel free to utilize them, exercise. Time with friends or family can help as well.

And lastly I post this to the point that I think everyone can recite it,

When I was in Detox, I looked and felt terrible, booze and drugs chewed me up spit me out and left me for dead, I looked like I should be dead. My substance abuse counselor said to me this magic gem, you feel what you feel? Embrace it, look around smell the air, breathe it all in, you feel and look terrible right now, but remember you never have to feel this way again as long as you never drink or use again.


I would love to join that zoom meeting!! I’m still learning how to navigate this forum please let me know where to find it. Thank you so much!! you’re doing amazing by the way absolute warrior

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Writing down all the feelings and struggles helped me and educate yourself about addiction. Read the posts in tbe group and look for a meeting in your area. It helps you to get started. :smiley:

I’m on day two and your post reads like mine. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years to,come of a good thing. Best of luck.