DAY 1. Need encouragement

If you keep doing the same thing youl have plenty of 1 days .maybe time for a mind set , and for me meetings made it easier and if you stick around meetings get a sponsor and make new sober friends get a good foundation and network , desire and effort is required its like anything in this life if you want to stay sober loss weight or any other thing you wish to do so words of encouragement try a meeting they work im the proof of that wish you well


Great to hear!! It works when we want it to work. When we are desperate enough to MAKE it work.
I’m glad you tried a different meeting. We see way too many people say that they went to a meeting and decided it wasn’t for them… after one meeting?!! Lol.

Anyways, great job. Keep coming back.

And to the original poster, all I can suggest is what worked for me. And that is AA meetings. I didn’t agree with everything and I didn’t like everything about them. But I hated myself when drinking. And the people there knew how to stop drinking. So I had to find a way to make it work.

And work it did. Now I have been sober for a bit and I can actually help newcomers like yourself get sober too. It’s pretty soecial.
Maybe give meetings another shot

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Agreed with you.

I was about to write a post just like this one from pants.

It is a good thing you don’t want to use.
If AA wasn’t it go to another table.
Doing it alone is clearly not doing the trick for you.
And… To be honest not many addicts made it out of active use by them self. Those are the unicorns who do make it out alone.

If you really want to get sober you have to change one thing… Everything.

Hit meetings, twice a week at first you will feel out of place but just listen rather then judge and I promise you, eventually you will recognize stories feelings and thought others have. We are all similar in a way.

Hope you can open your mind to the suggestion of finding a program.


I only got a sponsor after my first 90 days.
And the table kept me clean those first 90 days.
So I wouldn’t state that as a certainty. Although now I am at the point I can work the questions… I am growing as a human being. It’s amazing.

Still… We can debate on what you stated.
In early sobriety and sceptic about meetings in the first place. Would one feel comfortable to surrender to a sponsor and working steps.
I know I didn’t… It took a while for me to get a grasp of what’s going on at the tables.
Sonsaying just visiting meetings doesn’t do anything is a bold statement and not a fact.

Just trying to add some nuance to your statement that’s all.

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@Boymom, how are you doing today?


I’m on day 6… I am home on a dreary Saturday wanting to drink soooooo badly… talk me out of it

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What’s going on? Why do you want to drink today…? If you think it through; every minute til the end, you may see it won’t be worth it. The tests we get suck, but when we get past it, it feels really good and shows how strong you truly are~!

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You have posted about it first before drinking so I commend you on that, okay the tape through to the end. What God would a drink do you, will it just be drinking tonight or for weeks then back to withdrawals, depression and terrible anxiety? Believe me it’s harder to start over than it is to ride a craving out. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Well I don’t want you to drink.

I don’t think you want to drink either.

What can you do, to help yourself?


You are so right about that.!! I wish i had followed that saying todays ago. Stik to your plan staying sober :heart::heart: wishing you the best

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You can do it. Today marks my one year alcohol free. You need to do it for yourself, not for anyone else.

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@SoberWalker i just Saw your plan to be sober. I think i will borrow yours if its okay? May i ask how you spoke to your spouse about it?

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Same here.this app seems to be the game changer for me

Sure you may use it!!
My spouse knew I drank to much. But the fact that I consider myself an addict he didn’t knew. I told him about the cravings and the urges as good as I could. But it’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t addicted hisself.
I told everything despite the fact that I hide bottles of wine and drank secretly. I think that would have upset him too much (and myself by telling him). I talked to him about my addiction multiple times, because sometimes he starts to romanticize our drinking together :pensive: I have to remember him about the bad side effects of it.

Okay thanks alot. I ask because i have to do it myself. Talk to my spouse about it. We dont drink together and his not an addict himself

Don’t expect him to fully understand it, he can’t and that’s normal. I’m here because of it. I get my support and milestone celebrations here.

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I know he doesnt understand and that i cant blame him for. But i cant do anything but tell him about it and then take action

In 2004, I asked my husband if we could remove all alcohol from the house. He said no, why should he be penalized for my problem. :flushed:
Over the following years, my drinking increased. A lot.
I don’t really know what eventually changed, but I suspect it was losing his two closest friends to alcohol. Anyway, in October 2019, after a few months of being on TS (and a year after starting therapy), I decided I had no choice but to do something. I shared some responses to my posts with him, including one where I’d mentioned his response to no drink in the house. The next day he removed everything. He also watched the ‘roadmap to recovery’ video that’s posted here. He’s now my biggest supporter in my journey. We enjoyed a sober Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. First time as adults for both of us.
I’m day 81 AF.
I hope your spouse becomes your biggest supporter… sooner rather than later :+1::kissing_heart: