Day 1....need to sort my life out!

Hey! So Day 1…here goes! I am what i class a binge drinker. Wine is my go to…I can drink 2 bottles per ‘session’ and for about 2 years, I blackout which scares the hell out of me! I have 3 kids who don’t deserve a mother who does this shit. It’s embarrassing waking up in the morning trying to piece together the end of the night before…what did I do? What did I say? Why are you not talking to me?? I never used to drink…only when going out which was very rarely…but for about the last 8 years it’s becoming worse and worse. I’ve been wanting to stop for about 5 of those…what a waste of my 30s. I’ve also gained a ton of weight due to the wine and the food that goes along with it. So Day 1! Get rid of the wine witch!! Any tips for the early days?? I’ve only managed to string together two weeks in the past before I cave and self sabotage :frowning: then maybe one or two days before I think…screw it! I’ll start again tomorrow … :roll_eyes: I miss my ‘old’ life where I had confidence! I’d wake up at 5.30am and go for a run! I felt beautiful…I looked after myself… I want all that back! Plus some… I’m here to get all the support I can x


Welcome! So glad to have you here :slight_smile: I don’t have much advice for the early part of recovery as I am also on day 1. But I can relate to pieces of your post. I too miss the “old” me where I was fit and healthy and confident and not shameful or regretful. I miss having the quality relationships that I used to have when clean. I guess I just wanted to welcome you and let you know you’re not alone. Its truly a one day at a time journey. No matter what we can NOT use/drink. Just for today.


Well that’s the plan for both of you, a sober buddy is a great start.


Thank you :two_hearts: just read your story…wow. You have been through so much! So glad you are here too. You are so strong! We got this xx


she certainly is an incredible lady to have the strength to even think about recovery, a lot of people would just say fuck it my life is meant to be shit but no not this courageous person. :100::100::muscle::muscle:


Hello. To you and @Butterflymoonwoman… You both spoke volumes about how you handle it in the beginning. You WANT this. That is the only thing that has worked for me and I am holding on to that thought even tighter right now as I have slipped in the past. I want the same “old” me with health and confidence. Save your money by not buying the wine. Save your mind and body by not buying the wine. Be the friend to yourself that you would be to another who desperately wanted to change. My best to you!!


Awe you guys!! Thank you @Dolse71 and @Glowstix! I actually really needed that bit of an emotional boost today. Feeling really off lately and not feeling good about myself. We all have a story and things that have happened to us that we wish didnt. I’m just glad both of you are here. I love being on this journey with others who are on the same path. This group has been so supportive. No judgement. Always here no matter how many times you fall. Thanks again for the boost :heart:


Welcome to the forum, I am with you change is hard for everyone. You my friend are heading in the right direction don’t look back because your new life is str8 ahead of you. Stay strong and sober remember it’s not the easiest of journey s but when your done, you will look back and say did I do that in amazement.


Thank you!! Can’t wait :two_hearts:

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Yes yes and yes!!! :kissing_heart:

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Welcome to the group and congratulations on day one! It’s a HUGE step. That’s awesome.

Your story sounds similar to mine. Three kids who just didn’t deserve what I was doing to them, to myself. YOU don’t deserve it either. Just remember that if you take the time to take care of yourself then you will, by default, be taking better care of them. Make time for yourself to heal, to work on getting sober. This will work for you but only if you put in the work.

Just take it one day at a time. One moment at a time. All you have to do is get through this minute without drinking, this hour, this day. That’s it. Just one moment of time. You got this!


Day 36 here! I replaced my vodka soda with hot tea, so many different teas to choose from! Also, I have done a lot of visualization. Imagining myself drinking while going about my day as opposed to staying sober, what are the different outcomes? How do I feel about each outcome?
Recognize your triggers and breathe thru them. Also, someone on here said on one of my earlier days, one drink is too many and 1000 is not enough. I repeat that to myself
Good luck and congratulations on being here! :yellow_heart:


Well done for making this first step :clap::clap:


I will say you have to want it and work it, but for the first two weeks at least expect sugar cravings, urges to drink, mood swings, anxiety, major fatigue and vivid dreams. Expect clarity, the pink cloud and a resurfacing of emotions. Stay hydrated, rest as much as possible and do your best to eat healthy. Set yourself up for success, find joy in new routines, and surround yourself with people who are supportive. When you’re strong enough, develop new hobbies to fill your time. I’m not a 12-stepper, but some people need that. There are also Zoom meetings available if you want extra support. This is a great community! Congratulations on your first step! :heart:


I am in a similar spot. Wine. motherhood. I drink as stress relief. Cannot be sustained…Day 1. now.


What worked for me in the first month was to listen to alcohol recovery books on Audible. As much as I could and especially during periods when I knew I would want to drink.

Like you wine was my choice. 2 bottles a night. And gin to top it off.

The book that got me through was The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray. She kept reminding me that 1 was too many and 1000 not enough!


Make a plan. In the early days I watched a sobriety video every morning (u could read a book, go to a meeting, whatever). Replace alcohol in ur house with tea, ginger ale, whatever u like. Next, when do u usually drink? How can u keep ur hands and mouth occupied during that time? I would drink in the train on the way home, so always had mints or tea saved for the way back, and my phone fully charged so I could study (or whatever it is u would like to do)


Your story sounds familiar. I find it’s that I have created a bad routine and because breaking a habit is so hard its easier to stick to what you know…I.e wine. It results in poor sleep, bad food choices, laziness and beerfear! Not remembering conversations or going to bed is never the way to start the next day. I did dry Jan but then fell off the wagon spectacularly!! I really do want to make a lasting change and make new habits. X


You are stronger than you think! You did the first step by putting the bottle down and reaching out. I too was a binge and blackout drinker. My last blackout was enough for me to say enough is enough. Alcoholics run in my family and that’s all I knew. I would do the same thing when I was healthy, get up early and go for a run. Then drinking took over my life and I gained 50 pounds but now I’ve decided that I’m better than that. I’ve been sober 10 days but I know in my heart that I’m going to stay sober this time, I want to live a long happy healthy life! I’m back to working out and keeping busy. What’s worked for me so far is always having a beverage with me, it’s usually water or sparkling water. Praying doesn’t hurt either. Stay strong and continue to reach out! I believe in you!! Let’s do this together!! :facepunch:


How are you feeling now?