Day 1 of quitting vaping

Hi! I don’t know who this will reach or really how this app works it’s my first day in here lol, i just wanted to write a post to document my journey and have some accountability. It’s my first day not hitting a vape, i know that my addiction is minuscule compared to others out there but i am really trying to quit as i can see it taking my life down a dark path. i’m committed to this and i hope one day i can help others quit their vapes too. Day 1!


No addiction is minuscule.

They lead to deeper darker addictions full of lies and hurt.

Find a way to defeat this one using as many supports and resources that you can find.

Learn about what addiction is to the human mind/brain to save you from finding another.


Thank you! I will definitely look into it and beat this addiction :slight_smile:

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Welcome to TS.
Maybe you will find something to relate to here as well
Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products)

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