Day 1 of trying to be sober

Today is day 1 for me. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever decided. I work in an industry that parties hard. I travel a ton but I see drinking is creating bad habits. I feel depressed, guilty, angry at myself, I make
Bad choices; my wife is sober and the only time we fight is when I’m drunk and being irrational and I want to stop and be proud of myself.


Welcome to the community ur making the right choice sobriety is totally worth it but it takes work but the rewards are great better relationships with loved ones feeling better about urself take it one day at a time and stay strong there are a lot of supportive people here who want to see you succeed so congratulations on your days


Thank you, it’s a really
Hard thing to talk about and this community seemed like a good first step for me


I understand completely and there are a lot of good people here who have been through what you are going through


I appreciate your kindness I needed it


No problem man and don’t hesitate to come on here if you are having a rough time we are here to help each other


@Wesdoeshair Welcome! I’m on day 19. You can do this!!! This is a super supportive community!


I def will. I haven’t left the site since I downloaded it. I know I’ll have rough days. I reached out to my dad and wife who are both sober and asked for
Their help today for people to call when I travel and get put in a situation


Thank you! I really need the support too so thank


Welcome! The “checking in daily” thread is a great place to build some accountability and meet others here. And hey, the lights are always on around here somewhere in the world :wink: :orange_heart:


Welcome Wes. This is a great sober community for support. Like M said. That check in thread is a good one for accountability.

Lots of good info on this one if your interested.

Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable. I hope to see you around.


Get on your knees and ask God to keep you sober, at night thank Him. Go to meetings, get a sponsor, call him daily, take direction, work the steps. The rest will fall into place. Relax, God has this. We seek Him and do the footwork. God keeps us sober, we don’t.
Pray. Trust me, been doing this for 25 years a day at a time. It works if you work it.

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Welcome! We have all been on day one at one point and sometimes (like myself), had more day ones than we want to admit.

You are here! You are actively reaching out for support and you acknowledge that you are trying… you need to give yourself HUGE kudos for that. Be proud! You have got this!

I am on the “wife” side of what you are encountering…I am sober and my husband def is not. We get in arguments because when he has had way too much to drink he will argue and he somehow believes he is right and what he believes to be true, is. Sometimes he will argue with me about a completely fabricated situation that he vaguely recalls but at the time, he 100% believes it to be real. I hope things get better for you and your wife soon!


That really hit for me and I feel like your post is me looking in a mirror


Congratulations on the Huge step towards your recovery, I promise it is worth it

Welcome, Wes.
Hope this place can help you as much as it has helped me. I am nearly at 4 years, and the community here has been a big part of me getting to this point. Every struggle you face in this process will only serve to strengthen you, and I guarantee it is worth it.
Also, awesome shirt :metal: