Day 13 and tonight is very hard πŸ˜” any comments would be very kind

When my nervous system is heightened, sometimes following this for a few minutes helps me…


Cannot recall if shared with you before. :people_hugging:

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I have not seen this Sassy thanks for that I do know breathing techniques but I have a hard time applying them when I’m in the moment. Something that I will be working on. :heart::pray::100:

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I have a hard time remembering the tools available to me as well. I have found it useful in the past to keep an easily accessible list of them available on my phone. In fact, I had removed it from my phone awhile ago and this is reminding me that it would be a good time to update and have it on my home screen. It has been a mentally, emotionally and physically challenging 2023. So thank you for the reminder!!

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