Day 2: Going Strong and I’m Terrified

Day 2 is going well…and I’m terrified. I’m newly sober and like many I’ve tried to restrict, restrain and cut back and always ended up back drinking way too much eventually. I finally came to the conclusion that I can’t cut back, I have to cut it off. I don’t know if this is a forever thing but for the foreseeable future I HAVE to be sober.

I’ve been going to therapy which lead me to AA and sitting down the bottle. I feel sooo motivated and excited but I’m scared I’m going to fail or worried I’ll lose this feeling and relapse. Anyone else feel that way?


Hey, Makaila! It sounds like you’re having some doubts about the recovery process, and that’s perfectly okay. You’re in early sobriety, and it’s a completely normal way to feel. There are a lot of unknowns at this point and surrendering to the process can be scary. When we’ve relied on substances for so long, life can feel strange living without them. It seems like you’re doing some beneficial things, seeing a therapist, going to meetings. All you have to focus on is today, it truly is one day at a time. There are medications like Antabuse (Disulfiram) or Acromprosate that can help supress alcohol cravings. Some people make changes in terms of their health, such as exercising a little each day or eating one healthy meal. Any time you have worries or doubts, you can come here and you’ll have an army of supporters. I believe in you. :muscle::blossom:


I understand those mixed feelings quite well. For me feeling anxious, irritated but also a bit hyper where the biggest emotions I was dealing with in the beginning of my recovery. Also the thought of: “do I have to abstain a drink the rest of my life?” was a big arguement in my head. I learned here to focus on today. Not looking back to much ore in the future. Can’t change my past and I only can change my future by what I do today.

What I’ve learned as well is that I cannot do it alone. So glad to read you have add some help like AA and therapy. For me this place is my peer group. I’m here every day. It’s my place to vent, try to help others and get help myself :heavy_heart_exclamation:

So welcome here! Hope to see you around often and see your sober numbers grow :seedling:


Thank you so much for your kind words! Your support means more than you know to a person just trying to get to the next day. I look forward to seeing both our sobriety days grow :blue_heart:


I may have to print that chart out and put it on my mirror everyday as a reminder! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and for your kind words. I’m fairly new to this community but I’m so glad to be here!!


Welcome Makaila
And congratulations on your day 2.

I was pretty afraid when I first started out too. I think I was afraid I would succeed, and then what would I do? How would I live? How could I possibly live my life not planning it around my next drink. How could I finally live without a hangover and crushing headaches at 3 am. Ya I was terrified. How could I live?

Well I just started a gratitude list everyday. Actively list everything I’m grateful for now that I’m sober. I didn’t have much or so I thought at first. But I was pretty grateful I hit the pillow sober. I was extremely grateful to wake up without a hangover. I was grateful for walking my dog without a hangover. Sitting with my purring cat. I am grateful I get to take care of my pets sober and they love me more. Yes they do. As time went on I was grateful for more stuff and my list kept growing and I’d get one more day sober. ODAAT. Now I can’t wait to do my gratitude list in the morning. I’ve totally retrained my brain.

There’s a beautiful bunch of grateful loving addicts on this thread that have so much because we are sober.

Come on over and check us out if you like. I think we got room for some more gratitude if you’re interested.


I felt the exact way when I first tried. Like you it wouldn’t last long but knew I couldn’t keep going the way I was. I knew this time I had to push harder and come up with ways to occupy my mind. I just celebrated 8 months sober on February 2nd. I work out a lot, do yoga and Pilates. You can do this girl. Reach out to me anytime and we can do this together :heart::blush:


Awww thank you so much!! I just reached 5 days today and it’s so satisfying. My goal this week is to find hobbies that I can engage in instead of drinking.


That’s the best idea. Hobbies really helped me.

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