Day 2, need keep a going!

Hello everybody!

Jonas from Denmark here :blush: This is my 2’nd day sober, and i just think i need a “keep going” from some one :pray:t2:


KEEP GOING!! just take it one day at a time. Don’t drink today. Wake up tomorrow and tell yourself the same thing. You can do this!!


Hello Arpen. Well done on day 1 :clap: KEEP IT GOING MATE!! Yove got this!


Welcone im glad you have come to join our community of loving caring ppl,keep going ,you can do this just put the effort in and stay connected especially when you are feeling the pressure,that’s what we all do here we help and guide eachother,read through other journey,we all have more in common than you will ever know.keep logging in.andvremember KEEP GOING


Welcome jonas.
We are glad your here.

I do things one day at a time. Some times one hour or minute at a time.

You can do this


Still going strong people! :blush:


Remember how good it feels to wake up feeling good!

Welcome Jonas. You’ve come to a great place for support. We are all on this sober journey together and support one another. I suggest reading a lot on here as there’s so much great advice. Also check in daily to maintain focus. There’s a thread where you tell us what day and how you’re doing. Take it one day at a time. :heart:

Keep going!

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Hey Arpen! Keep going buddy! Together we can do this, stay strong and just keep going one step at a time. Be kind to yourself and love yourself. We’re here if you need us matey! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Is it possible you can link the thread here so i can find it? :pray:t2:

Check your alerts in the top right. I used the @ and your name in that thread to get you there.

Here’s the link Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

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