Day 2 of being sober for me

New to this app. But going to try my best to stay off alcohol. Is it better to have non alcoholic substitutes like alcohol free beer etc or something different?


Welcome Dan. I’m on Day 111 AF and have found drinking around 2 litres of water beneficial for me.


Hi Seb. Congrats on that long :slight_smile: thanks so much for the advice :slight_smile:

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Hi Dan, welcome to the forum!
Personally I don’t drink 0,0 drinks, because it makes me want the real stuff!


Hi Jesile, thanks for the advice :slight_smile: I was thinking that too. That perhaps the 0.0% is more tempting. I think I’ll stick to water and coffee etc.


I don’t know how long you’re sober for, but I’m almost 6 months, and still rather not order them! There are plenty of alternatives! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I save the non alcoholic beer for social events. It helps not feel soooo out of the loop. Doesn’t really make me want the real thing cuz I’m aware the reason I want the real stuff is for the buzz, w/o the alcohol I just get a nice full feeling from the beer and switch to water or soda. Everyone is different so I understand why people would avoid. There’s a sort of placebo effect I call it, but I feel it’s what is must be like for people w/o the addictive personality; have two beers and can socialize responsibly. That was never me I was planning the night around more and more. Anyway just my take on the non alcoholic beers. Non alcoholic cocktails are fun too. The FOMO if you will is lessened for me when I have creative options idk hope this helps


I’m 2 days sober at the min. I was 6 weeks sober and then relapsed. So I’m trying this app


Thanks so much for the advice :slight_smile:

Back on track, that’s good news! :clap:t2: When cravings hit (and they will), come to this forum straight away to vent or search for support. I made the mistake of coming back after I relapsed… learned my lesson by now! Keep checking in with us! :muscle:t2:


Thanks so much :slight_smile: glad I joined this app now.


Your killing it… day by day or min by min…


Thanks so much :slight_smile:

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Np bro I’m at 19 almost 20 days… just keep going brotha

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I’m glad you joined too!

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Congratulations on Day 2. :blush:
I have wondered the same thing about NA beer, but I’m actually afraid it will trigger me to a real beer. I’m avoiding it till I feel I have a better grasp with my sobriety.

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Glad you’re here. Congratulations and keep going. This app really helped me. I’m on day 27. It does get easier, but when you feel like giving up make sure to get on this app. Learn you’re triggers too…

Also, I have not used the non alcoholic substitutes because I’m afraid it will increase cravings. I did drink a lot of other beverages though… A ton of carbonated waters and adaptogen drinks with different herbs which I found really helpful… I don’t need them as much now, but I was drinking some different things to try to curb my cravings.
Please keep checking in. You can do this… One day at a time♥️


What I always say is it depends on what your drink of choice was. If beer was your obsession I would steer clear for now. If it was mainly spirits you might be okay. My issue was binging on whiskey during tough times. Beer? I could have one and stop. I drink na beer and have no issue.

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Thanks so much :blush:

Thanks so much :slight_smile: