The last 3 days or so have been strange. I’m 22 days sober today and rolling right along, but physically I haven’t been feeling very well for a few days now. It’s almost as if I have symptoms of depression, although I truly don’t have any reason to be. Here are some of my symptoms.
*body and mind tired. I get good sleep, then 3 or 4 hours after I wake up I just want to go back to bed.
*no motivation to do anything.
*caffeine not picking me up
*desire to eat even when I’m not hungry.
*a foggyness in my head that won’t go away.
*almost feel melancholy in a way…
I’ve been taking my supplements, but have absolutely no motivation or energy to hit the gym or exercise like many of you talk about. I’m stressed about finding a new job, but certainly have no reason to be depressed. Very unsure wtf is going on with me.
@alpine_1975 sounds familiar. Just hungry and felt worn out despite decent sleep. I am still dealing with that, i started drinking a gallon plus of water daily and have felt much more energy and even feeling. Hope you get to feeling better. Be patient the alternative isn’t better to say the least.
I wonder if it’s a phase of withdrawal…I’m 21 days today (go us!), but find myself so lethargic, and am on the same page with the eating & caffeine not really doing anything…I know nutrition is really important right now to support these withdrawal symptoms so maybe that’s something to look at? Decreasing sugar and caffeine will take a few weeks on its own to regulate, so it’ll suck but it’ll get better! I hope lol.
@Sober, thanks, I think I may be dehydrated. I’ve been drinking a ton of liquids, but not enough water. Too much sugar soda and juice. I wouldn’t think that my body would still be trying to replace the sugar intake after 22 days, but I’ve heard that alcohol can stay in your core system for up to 30 days if one drinks as heavy as I did.
@Mckristin, congrats on your 21 days! On that positive note we’re both doing great. Maybe it is some sort of withdrawal symptom. I’m not glad you feel dumpy like me, but glad I’m not alone.
I’m thinking you got some p.a.w.s going on maybe? (Post acute withdrawal syndrome) it’s like you feel the effects of a withdrawal even though you have a decent amount of clean time behind you. This can come out of nowhere for up to 6 months after detoxing. I know I wake up some days and my hands will be so shaky like I just got sh*t faced the night before but I know I didn’t lol just have topower through it. Maybe try relaxing music or maybe music to pump you up.Some days I have to just go out and do stuff even if I’m not motivated. Stay strong!
@Steve92, I think you may be on to something bro. I think the overeating may have a lot to do with the bogged down feeling too. When I was drinking I’d only eat little snacks throughout the day to keep my stomach from turning as I poured shot after shot to fuel my fire. Then I’d eat a final meal right before passing out. Not healthy, but I was eating a lot less and somehow the booze gave me a sort of energy until it burnt off of course…
@alpine_1975 I learned about paws during my outpatient program it’s good to know about so you don’t freak out if you do start noticing some strange feelings like a hungover feeling. Here is a link if you would like to do some research. I love sharing what I learned it keeps me on my toes haha
@alpine_1975 some of what you said are on the symptom list on that site. Low motivation. Disturbed sleeping. It’s your brain trying to normalize itself again because we have rewired it artificially basically
@Steve92, my God dude… I had no freaking clue about PAWS! Those symptoms fit mine to a tee and I’m not doing anything to “take care of myself” during these withdrawal symptoms. Man, I can’t thank you enough! I really didn’t want to hear someone tell me to drink some tea or hit the gym… You’re my dude for sure.
Hi all - I’m on 38 days and have most of the same symptoms as Alpine.
Talked to my ex (a drugs and alcohol counsellor) and she said some of these can carry on for 6 months (which ties in with what you’re saying Steve).
What a drag!
However, I still feel 100 times better than when I put my last empty Pastis glass down and there’s no way it’s going to make me have any second thoughts. F that!
Hey guys. This forum headed me to some reading about PAWS as well. I’ll try to find the link I was reading. It sort of alluded to these feelings coming and going for a lengthy period of time. Let’s say - a fair bit longer than 6 months. This was actually a strange relief for me, as I kind of expected a quick fix (impatience is a flaw of mine). I’m working on accepting that some days I will just be blaaaaaah, and others I will be
Up to 2 years of PAWS is a long time, but so much better than the alternative. I still can’t believe how long I’ve been a prisoner to my alcohol addiction. Mind blowing in a horrible way…
I had the same issues around that time. I’m another week gone and I do feel much better. But I just thought I’d suggest a B12 supplement to help with the foginess. It might help with lethargy too. But really, if your body needs rest give it. It makes me think back to pregnancy. The first trimester is a time of constant exhaustion simply because the body is working hard to create a new being. In this case we are working hard to heal this being. Let the body do its work. In time we should feel better.
Could be an episode of major depressive disorder. I have bouts of depression once or twice a year. You don’t have to have a reason to suffer from depression! It’s really common to experience an episode of depression for no reason at all! you’ve been having a lot of chemical changes in your brain throughout your recovery. Talk to your dr. And keep an eye on yourself. Antidepressants can help, I go on them if I can’t snap out of a depression within a month. I hope you feel better! I use aromatherapy to enhance my mood. If you don’t like medication St.Johns Wart is an herbal alternative for treating depression. Hugs!
WOW, yup that sounds exactly what’s going on…its so crazy to me! I feel like people are so oblivious to the subtle, yet incredibly strong, effect that booze actually has. This is going to require a lot of patience and being gentle while we go through it for sure.
Try not to worry about any if it! Your body is detoxing and getting used to functioning without AL and I have gone through almost all of the things you mention and still dealing with some, I have read that it can take up to two years to be completely OK emotionally and physically! (Read PAWS literature wherever you can find it as Steve said, it explained a lot to me )