Day 3 checking in

Im checking in with you guys to stay focused and maintain the motivation to not drink. I feel vulnerable and irritable. I have little to no patience and feel like an asshole right now. You guys have been giving me excellent advice and I find comfort in knowing a lot of you feel or felt the same as I do.


Hello. I’ve been enjoying the AA concept of “terminally unique” lately. I don’t go to meetings yet but I do a lot of reading. If an avid AAer reads this and wants to correct me, please do.
My understanding is that the concept means those little traps our mind gets stuck in where we think “these people are idiots” and “I’m the only one with these problems”. I get caught in these thoughts a lot and am starting to realize that its my head that I’m fighting not other people. I gain clarity in my mind daily in sobriety, not always in a constant upward trajectory but it’s there.
Keep reading, keep reaching out, keep improving and keep away from the drinks. :heart:


Welcome back Lissy. Congratulations on day 3.
I was so angry for quite a long while when I started my sober journey. I did lots of angry power walks with my angry hip hop and rap music. Me and Eminem became close friends. I did 2 power walks a day. And lots of hot showers. I took my second long hot shower of the day just before dinner time when I’d usually be drinking. Did a lot of crying in those showers too. And I spent a lot of time apologizing to the wife.
We got a great daily check in thread to get and give support. Checking in daily to maintain focus #40
Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable. The first week or 2 are really tough. But it’s so worth it.


Try a meeting might help , wish you well


Dude that’s awesome, proud of you…don’t make the days you’ve been through hell quitting be for nothing!!! I’m at 15 days!!!