Day 3 & feeling good

I feel good right now but do have cravings from time to time. I really feel a change. I eat a lot now, does that happen when you quit drinking?


For me, eating a lot helped me stave off cravings. I let myself eat whatever and whenever I wanted for the first 5 or so months, until I felt stronger in my sobriety and therefore felt able to shift back to some healthy eating patterns. So yes, eat away and stay aboard that sober train! Welcome to a new life! :hearts::bird:


Bravo for 3days .keep moving and busy to urself and stay focus to ur goal…sure the feeling good more to come buddy.


3 days, that is great man! Yeah definitely started eating a lot more.

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If a kitkat was within 100yrds of me i consumed it with a ferocity I have never had…embrace it, far better calories than what you were putting into your body

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Yes, ate a lot of sweets snd that helped me a lot in the beginning. Better esting then drinking! Now I’m more balanced and my weight is back to normal. But when I have cravings I still eat loads of chocolat!
Congratulations with your 3 days! :confetti_ball:

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Three says is an awesome achievement. I picked up a hot tamale habit. I go through a 4 lb bag every week, but it keeps my mind occupied.

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Congrats on three days! I personally started eating more. I was actually hungry for the first time, instead of drinking my dinner every night I started eating it like I was supposed to. Also, not being hungover helped with my appetite a lot too. Since I wasn’t filling myself with empty calories every day and stopped feeling sick most mornings, I started getting hungrier throughout the day as well.


Yes! I have had much more food since quitting - dessert EVERY night. And have managed to lose weight in the first 8 weeks.

Good job on 3 days. I ate whatever I wanted at the beginning. We especially crave the sugar / carbs we are no longer getting woth alcohol and I mean we CRAVE it. I indulged my food needs as long as I needed to to stay sober. As long as it was ice cream not alcohol, it was all good to me.

Thanks, I am eating anything I can get my hands on :joy::joy: