Day 3 feeling optimistic

Hello everybody! Just checking in I’m still learning how to use this forum but I hope everyone is doing well . Usually in the morning before me getting clean I would be smoking my morning away instead today I took my dog for a walk around the neighborhood and it felt good. How’s you guys morning been ?


What a nice thing to do instead of ue usual morning routine :slight_smile: way to go on making positive changes! My morning has been good so far :slight_smile:


And yes it’s good to be inhaling fresh air instead of smoke lol and I’m happy to hear your morning has been well :star_struck:


that is great I am sure your dog is happy about that. when I got my beloved dog I still drank the first few months. despite adoring her, I was not in the ideal place to care for her and in turn our relationship suffered. this has long since been remedied. but it still hurts me sometimes to think about how of the limited time we have with them, I wasted some of that time. our addictions affect not just us, but our relationships to everything and everyone we come into contact with.


that’s wonderful, i hope it keeps getting better from now on. my morning was alright, i went mountain climbing. the cravings were there too smh. i took some photos


Yes 1,000 times Yes ! I couldn’t agree more and yes he was happy as he could be and it’s like I’m making up for wasted time . Plus I’m happy to hear that you remedied your relationship with your doggy they really love us unconditionally !


@livid-flames I feel you with those cravings but I’m so glad that you got to escape to the mountains it truly looks beautiful Out there and that’s an amazing picture ! :smiley:


I own Scottish Terriers. they don’t love unconditionally. :joy: but I have earnt their love since through hard work and being a great mum to them. better than I ever could have been drunk. what’s your dog like? you can share pics of him here Post photos of your pets #4
I’m glad you’re finding a reasons to stay sober in your dog! they are the best.


Wee Scotties are the best ,


check us out on the pets thread, Ray, if you need a wee dose of scottie goodness. only ever saw one pair in scotland myself. they aren’t that common, incomprehensibly. :wink:


I have an all American pit bull with so much personality he is so playful and friendly ! And Scottish terriers are so cute

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