Day 48 off heroin

Hey haven’t posted on this yet idk who will see it but hope helps someone as well as myself . 48 days without having to make my gf cry after using narcan on me make me beg my dealer to come see me steal money out my girls account sell all my Jordan’s sell my watches iPad iPhones loose my job best one I ever attained but my addiction doesn’t care about jobs loose my car first one I had since 18 I’m 29 so it shows addiction has been burying me no respect from everyone lock myself in the bathroom for days on end getting high looking out my bathroom window seeing life go by and wondering how the fuck am I ever gonna jump back into society again. That’s 48 days that I couldn’t get for years and I’ve tried so many fucken times sooooooooo many times u name it I tried running that way and couldn’t fucken get it but todayyyyyyyyyy!!! I am 48 days into this madness lol and this app is such a good weapon for this thing I love it I got a all different weapons for this thing now and for once I’m using them . Everyone who takes this path on a daily basis is the most badass human being ever!!! We are good people we need to meet the real us while we’re here on earth lol it’s time for me and it’s time for us all I’m tired of being 29 feeling like I’m 17 day one of my opiate hell ride and everytime I pick up it takes me right back to the little games that that 17 year old played its madness vicious cycle . But anyway 48 dayssssasss babyyyyyyyyyyyy keep going it’s been so hard hardest thing I have ever done but every day it seems more real that this thing can be done . We can do this everyone . Keep going


Ur right man me too. So many others don’t make it out I feel like the prison finally gave me an opening to escape and I gotta kee going no matter what I experience along the way cuz nothing is worse than this evil controlling ur every thought . Much love man and thanks next up is 60 days and one day at a time I pray I make it .


AHH buddy we’ve all been there my 20 year herion habbit took me to places I’d never thought I’d go and things I’d never thought I’d do including prison prostitution,and much much worse things.48 days awesome keep moving forward get as much support round you as possible .