Day 5 after many relapses

I usually make it for maybe 4 days, so 5 days is a good sign? I would like to know what kept other people going in the first few weeks. For me, I just feel really bad about how I’ve let down my boss. I’ve somehow managed to keep my job, but I think it’s because they don’t suspect that I’m an alcoholic. Only a few people know. The people in my life will tell me I’m fine, I don’t need to feel bad, and I can drink if I want. It’s hard to stay accountable when no one believes you. Right now I only visit my boyfriend and my best friend. I am not getting lonely yet but I am already very bored. How do you stay occupied when you’re attention span is completely shot? Did it take a while before you felt like doing anything productive? Ive been making myself a lot of food and watching a lot of TV. I hope it gets better !


Welcome back :innocent:

Have you spoken with your doctor about a referral for an ADHD test?

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Hi @Indoorkites !

It isn’t unusual to relapse and if I were you I shouldn’t be sad. It takes a lot of courage to see that a relapse is not working out for you and that you are again willing enough to try again and keep trying after every relapse.

I suggest to stay in contact with the people you love, write a gratitude list before going to bed, write the damages off of you that you’ve possibly done to people around you and most importantly try to attend AA meetings in your area and if there are none you are always able to attend online meetings. There is one at all times of the day! These people will understand you as best and you will be able to take up space and share about your feelings. You’ll might even find a sponsor. try new things, get new hobbies. Try to spend your time wisely. Meet new people. You might already know these tricks to stay in recovery and sobriety happily, but I hope you still have advantages of these tips.

I wish you the best!

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Besides this I’m 22 years old, 54 days sober of alcohol and drugs. If I can do it, you can too! Keep believing in yourself and in the program. Try to do the 12 steps, don’t overwork it, work it out very slowly. It’ll might do you good as well.


I did 30 days inpatient rehab.

When I got out I did 5 months or so of IOP.

I went to at least 10 AA meetings a week. I got a sponsor. Worked the steps.

I moved into a sober living facility.

I improved my MH by doing counseling and using medication.

If you do all of those things you will definitely get and stay sober


Meetings will make it easier wish you well